Agenda Setting in the European Council

Petya Alexandrova

Between 2010 and 2015 Petya Alexandrova (born in 1986, Ruse, Bulgaria) worked at the Montesquieu Institute as a PhD Researcher. She holds a BA in International Politics and History from Jacobs University Bremen (Germany) and a MA in Contemporary European Studies from the University of Bath (United Kingdom), Charles University Prague (the Czech Republic) and Humboldt University Berlin (Germany). On September 18th 2014 Petya Alexandrova received her doctorate at Leiden University. She is currently a fellow of the institute.

Petya Alexandrova's research at the Montesquieu Institute deals with the changing role of the European Council in political agenda setting in the EU, before and after the Treaty of Lisbon. This research is part of the international Comparative Agendas Project i, focusing on the ways in which different issues interact on the policy agenda of EU institutions and European countries, in a long-term perspective. She is interested in agenda-setting, European Union politics and the dynamic relationship between the EU and its member states.



June 2014

Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Comparative Project in Konstanz

June 2014

Paper presentation at the interdisciplinary conference 'In Search of European Political Union' in Utrecht

June 2014

Paper presentation at the conference of the ECPR Standing Group on EU Politics in The Hague

November 2013

Paper presentation at the annual work conference Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) in Enschede

June 2013

Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project in Antwerp

June 2013

Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Council for European Studies (CES) in Amsterdam

June 2013

Research visit at the University of Malta, Institute for European Studies

December 2012

Analysis of the European Council Conclusions of 2012

November 2012

Paper presentation the annual work conference of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)

July 2012

Participation at the 4th Graduate Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in Bremen: co-chair of the panel ‘Agenda Setting in the EU’ and a paper presentation

June 2012

Paper presentations at the Student Forum conference of University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) in Brussels

June 2012

Paper presentations at the annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project in Reims

April 2012

Paper presentation at the 2nd annual conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, the Hague

March 2012

  • Participation at the International Conference of the Council for European Studies(CES)in Boston
  • Paper presentations ath the 19th International Conference of the Council for European Studies (CES) in Boston
  • Co-organising mini-symposium 'Dynamics of Political Attention and Policy Change’ with Christian Breunig and Arco Timmermans
  • Chairing panel ‘Agenda Setting and the European Union’

December 2011

Analysis of the European Council Conclusions of 2011

December 2011

  • Paper presentation at the annual work conference of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)
  • co-chairing the conference panel ‘Analysing Multilevel Policy-Making in the European Union´

August 2011

Paper presentation at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research in Reykjavik

June 2011

Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project in Catania

June 2011

Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Council for European Studies in Barcelona

March 2011

Paper presentation at the conference ‘The Commanding Heights of the European Union. The European Council: Institution, Actors, Resources’ in Brussels

December 2010

Analysis of the European Council Conclusions of 2010



International Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications


Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia, Arco Timmermans and Sebastiaan Princen. (2014)

Measuring the European Council Agenda: Introducing a New Approach and Dataset. European Union Politics 15 (1): 152-167.

Petya Alexandrova and Arco Timmermans. (2013)

National Interest versus the Common Good: The Presidency in European Council Agenda Setting. European Journal of Political Research 52 (3): 316-338.

Anne Rasmussen and Petya Alexandrova. (2012)

Foreign Interests Lobbying Brussels : Participation of Non-EU Members in Commission Consultations. Journal of Common Market Studies (50) 4: 614-631.

Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia and Arco Timmermans. (2012)

Policy Punctuations and Issue Diversity on the European Council Agenda. Policy Studies Journal 40 (1): 69-88.

Petya Alexandrova, Gert-Jan Lindeboom and Anne Rasmussen. (2011)

International Interests in Brussels: Involvement of Asian Actors in EU Policy-Making in Comparative Perspective. Australian New Zealand Journal of European Studies 3 (2): 33-49.

General-Public-Oriented Publications


Marcello Carammia, Arco Timmermans, Sebastiaan Princen and Petya Alexandrova. (2012)

Analyzing the Policy Agenda of the European Council. Perspectives on Europe 42 (2): 41-46.

Arco Timmermans and Petya Alexandrova. (2011)

Comparing Policy Agendas in Europe and North America . Perspectives on Europe 41 (2): 61-66.

PhD Dissertation


Petya Alexandrova

Agenda Setting in the European Council . Leiden University


Information and contact
