Einde van het Duitse Voorzitterschap van de EU (en) - Hoofdinhoud
Today the German EU Council Presidency comes to an end. We'd like to thank all those who used our website during the past six months. Our aim was to provide you with fast and detailed information about Germany's Presidency, and we hope we came close to achieving that aim.
The number of hits for the daily updated pages proved that the public had a great interest in European policy and in the events of the past half-year. Almost 9,000 subscribers to the newsletters and news alerts used these to get the latest reports. The large number of mostly positive but sometimes critical feedback from you all gave us comfort and support during our daily task. Thank you for your commitment and for the many useful tips!
The website was the Presidency's central information platform and multimedia news agency, and we used images, sound and video, as well as podcasts and RSS feeds. You made good use of what was on offer as more than 64 mio hits and 9,2 mio page impressions by 700,000 individual users testify.
We would especially like to thank all those who helped us create and run this site. Without your tireless support it would not have been the success it was. Thanks a lot!
The editorial team:
Hinrich Thölken, Claus Andrée-Röhmholdt, Tim Hoesmann, Georg Kristian Kampfer, Jörg Neuenfeld, Kathrin Steinbrenner
Accessibility. Print. Recommend this page
Date: 01.07.2007
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