October is the “European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM )” - Main contents
European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is a European Union advocacy campaign supported by DG CONNECT i and ENISA, the European Agency for Network and Information Security. Its purpose is to promote cyber security among citizens, to change their perception of cyber-threats and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing good practices. All Member States are welcome to participate.
Cyber security is a shared responsibility! STOP.THINK.CONNECT.
The objectives of ECSM are to:
-generate general awareness about cyber security, which is one of the priorities identified in the EU Cyber Security Strategy;
-generate specific awareness on Network and Information Security (NIS), which is addressed in the proposed NIS Directive;
-promote safer use of the Internet for all users;
-build a strong track record to raise awareness through the ECSM;
-involve relevant stakeholders;
-increase national media interest through the European and global dimension of the project;
-enhance attention and interest with regard to information security through political and media coordination.
Weekly topics
Important NIS topics are covered and activities happen either online or offline in the participating Member States:
-1st week: Cyber security Training for employees.
-2nd week: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity at Work.
-3rd week: Code Week for all.
-4th week: Understanding Cloud solutions for all.
-5th week: Digital Single Market for all.
Security made in LU, Luxembourg main portal for online information security, is co-organizing and participating in a series of national awareness raising campaigns, conferences and information stands within the framework of ECSM.