Citizen initiatives: allowing or requiring more?

This debate was held in Dutch.

For more information on this debate, please consult the Dutch version of this page by clicking on the Dutch flag in the right upper corner of this page.



v.l.n.r.: Conny Broeyer, Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun, Fleur de Beaufort en Kars Veiling.
v.l.n.r.: Conny Broeyer, Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun en Fleur de Beaufort.
v.l.n.r.: Conny Broeyer en Biba Schoenmaker.
The audience listens attentively
v.l.n.r.: Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun en Fleur de Beaufort.
The audience wants to ask questions.
v.l.n.r.: Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun en Fleur de Beaufort.
Roos Wouters read her column.
A question from the audience
v.l.n.r.: Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun, Fleur de Beaufort en Kars Veiling



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v.l.n.r.: : Conny Broeyer, Biba Schoenmaker, Theo Coskun en Fleur de Beaufort. De debatleiders zijn Kars Veiling en Roos Wouters.