Decision No 1/89 of the EEC-Finland Joint Committee of 23 February 1989 amending the Agreement with Finland and some other Agreements concluded in that context between the EEC and Finland consequent on the implementation of the harmonized commodity description and coding system

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This other was in effect from January  1, 1988 until December 31, 1994.


Key information

official title

Decision No 1/89 of the EEC-Finland Joint Committee of 23 February 1989 amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland and some other Agreements concluded in that context between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland consequent on the implementation of the harmonized commodity description and coding system
Legal instrument Other
CELEX number i 21989D0609(01)


Key dates

Document 23-02-1989
Publication in Official Journal 09-06-1989; OJ L 158 p. 2-77
Signature 23-02-1989; Brussels
Effect 01-01-1988; Application See Art 5
End of validity 31-12-1994; See 273A1005(01)


Legislative text

No L 158/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 9. 6. 89


amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland and some other Agreements concluded in that context between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland consequent on the implementation of the harmonized commodity description and coding system


Having regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland signed in Brussels on 5 October 1973, hereinafter called the ‘Agreement’, and in particular Article 12a thereof.

Whereas consequent on the implementation of the harmonized commodity description and coding system the Community and the Republic of Finland have amended the nomenclature of their customs tariffs;

Whereas the provisions of the Agreement, of the Additional Protocol to the Agreement consequent on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Community, hereinafter called the ‘Additional Protocol’, and of some Agreements in the form of Exchanges of Letters referring to the tariff nomenclature should therefore be adjusted in accordance with the said amendments,

‘Article 2

The Agreement shall apply to products originating in the Community or Finland:

(i)    which fall within Chapters 25 to 97 of the harmonized commodity description and coding system, excluding the products listed in Annex I;

(ii)    which are listed in Annex II;

(iii)    which are specified in Protocol No 2, with due regard to the arrangements provided for in that Protocol.’

  • 2. 
    Article 14 (1), first subparagraph of the Agreement shall be replaced by the following:

‘Article 14

  • 1. 
    The Community reserves the right to modify the arrangements applicable to the petroleum products falling within heading Nos 2710,2711, ex 2712 (excluding ozokerite, lignite wax and peat wax) and 2713 of the harmonized commodity description and coding system upon adoption of a common definition of origin for petroleum products, upon adoption of decisions under the common commercial policy for the products in question or upon establishment of a common energy policy.’
  • 3. 
    The Annex to the Agreement shall be replaced by the following:


Article 1

  • 1. 
    Article 2 of the Agreement shall be replaced by the following:



List of products referred to in Article 2 (i) of the Agreement

HS code



Albumins, albuminates and other albumin derivatives:

ex 3502 10

  • Egg albumin:
  • Other than unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption

ex 3502 90

  • Other:
  • Milk albumin (lactalbumin), other than unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption


Natural cork, raw or simply prepared; waste cork; crushed/granulated or ground cork


Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)


True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but not spun ; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)’

  • 4. 
    Annex II as shown below shall be added to the Agreement:



List of products referred to in Article 2 (ii) of the Agreement


HS code



Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included:

1404 20

  • Cotton linters


Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared:

ex 1516 20

  • Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions:
  • Hydrogenated castor oil...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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