Culture Programme Conference "Culture in Motion" 12 December 2008

Source: European Commission (EC) i, published on Thursday, December 11 2008.

The first Conference on the EU's flagship funding programme in the area of culture, the Culture Programme 2007 - 2013, takes place on Friday, 12 December. The Conference will present past and on-going project results from the current and previous EU Culture Programmes. The aim of the event is to enable an exchange of experience and good practices between cultural operators and programme beneficiaries.

The Conference consists of plenary sessions as well as a complimentary exhibition where 35 projects will be showcased. Those projects focus on 5 themes:

  • Mobility of artists/Circulation of works;
  • Access to culture/Culture and education
  • Access to cultural heritage
  • Intercultural dialogue (European Year 2008)
  • Creativity and innovation (European Year 2009)

Through the Culture Programme 2007-2013, the European Commission encourages cooperation between cultural operators within Europe, aiming to enhance the development of cross-border cultural cooperation between creators, cultural players and cultural institutions of the participating countries. A total amount of € 400 million is available for the Culture Programme over the period 2007-2013, and 264 projects were funded through the Programme in 2008.

This aim is reflected in the Programme’s three specific objectives:

  • promoting the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector;
  • encouraging the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products;
  • encouraging intercultural dialogue in Europe.

Moreover, the event will make visible the synergies between the Culture Programme and the European Agenda for Culture, which was adopted by the Commission and Member States in May 2007. The European Agenda is the first-ever EU-wide strategy for culture, and has three objectives: (1) to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, (2) to foster culture as a catalyst for creativity for growth and jobs, and (3) to enhance culture as a vital element in international relations.

Further information

The event:

The Culture Programme:

The European Agenda for Culture in a Globalising World:

European Year for Creativity and Innovation 2009:

European Commission Culture website: