Merger: The European Commission adopted a « Statement of Objections » regarding the merger project between Suez and Gaz de France

Monday, August 21 2006

On 18 August 2006 the European Commission adopted a Statement of Objections in relation to the proposed merger between Suez and Gaz de France.

This document, which presents the preliminary results of the indepth investigation carried out by the Commission, identifies competition problems on the following markets:

  • gas markets in Belgium (trade, supply to different categories of customers),
  • electricity markets in Belgium (production and wholesale markets, trade, supply to different categories of customers),
  • gas markets in France (trade, supply to different categories of customers),
  • the market for district heating in France

The Statement of Objections is a normal stage in a second phase merger procedure. It sets out only a provisional position of the Commission and does not prejudge the final outcome of the case.

The Commission will take a definitive position only once the parties have given their views on the Statement of Objections and, as if relevant, any remedies proposed.