Tsjechische kandidaat ziet af van lidmaatschap Europese Commissie (en)

Source: EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, published on Friday, February 20 2004, 17:03.
Auteur: Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Milos Kuzvart has withdrawn his candidacy to become the Czech Republic's first ever European Commissioner.

The European Commission on Friday issued a statement saying that Mr Kuzvart had decided not to be a candidate, just days after being selected to shadow Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne.

According to the Czech News Agency Mr Kuzvart said Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda had opposed his candidacy and so he was stepping down.

A statement from the Commission said the decision was "regrettable" but that it would be respected.

"The President of the Commission, Romano Prodi will discuss the situation with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Vladimir Spidla over the coming days".

"The President expects to receive an alternative proposal by the Czech government as soon as possible".

Mr Kuzvart's nomination was not backed by two members of Prague's ruling coalition and was seen by some as a move by Prime Minister Spidla to remove a troublesome critic within his own party.

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