The Politics of Attention

Since June 2008 the Montesquieu Institute (MI) is taking part in a comparative research on the creation of public and political agendas. The research is led by Dr. Arco Timmermans i and by Dr. Gerard Breeman. The main goal of this research is to shed light upon when and why political attention is given to certain policies or political themes.

The research is part of a larger international cooperation between research teams in the United States and Europe in which a common theoretical perspective and research strategy is developed. The MI is focusing on the influence of the EU agenda on the 'politics of attention' in the Netherlands.

The research results will be made available online in order to enhance public insight into the functioning of democratic institutions.


Valorisation 2012-2013

June 2013

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Gerard Breeman, Marcello Carammia, Leticia Elias, Anne Rasmussen and Arco Timmermans at the annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project in Antwerp

June 2013

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Gerard Breeman, Marcello Carammia, Leticia Elias, Markus Haverland, Sebastiaan Princen, Anne Rasmussen, Peter Scholten and Arco Timmermans at the annual conference of the Council for European Studies (CES) in Amsterdam
  • Co-organisation of Mini-symposium ‘Analyzing the Evolution of Policy Agendas in Europe and North America’

May 2013

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova and Arco Timmermans at a book project workshop "Energy Policy Making in the EU: Building the Agenda" at the University of Mannheim

May 2013

  • Participation of Arco Timmermans at the National Congress of Public Administration in Rotterdam

Spring 2013

  • Participation of Sebastiaan Princen, Anne Rasmussen and Arco Timmermans at the Jean Monnet Module ‘Agenda Setting in the European Union’ at the University of Malta (organised and chaired by Marcello Carammia)

November 2012

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Gerard Breeman, Leticia Elias, Markus Haverland, Sebastiaan Princen, Anne Rasmussen,Peter Scholten and Arco Timmermans at the annual work conference of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)

June 2012

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Gerard Breeman, Leticia Elias, Markus Haverland, Sebastiaan Princen, Anne Rasmussen en Arco Timmermans at the annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project in Reims

April 2012

  • Participation in the 2nd annual conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, The Hague

March 20112

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Gerard Breeman, Leticia Elias, Peter Scholten, Lucie Spanihelova and Arco Timmermans at the 19th International Conference of the Council for European Studies (CES) in Boston, MA
  • Mini-Symposium ‘Dynamics of Political Attention and Policy Change’ organised by Petya Alexandrova, Christian Breunig and Arco Timmermans


Valorisation 2011

December 2011

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova, Leticia Elias, Markus Haverland, Anne Rasmussen, Lucie Spanihelova and Arco Timmermans at the annual work conference of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)
  • Conference panel ‘Analysing Multilevel Policy-Making in the European Union’ organised by Petya Alexandrova, Lucie Spanihelova en Markus Haverland

August 2011

June 2011

March 2011

  • Participation of Petya Alexandrova en Arco Timmermans at the conference ‘The Commanding Heights of the European Union. The European Council: Institution, Actors, Resources’ in Brussels

February 2011

  • Participation of Anne Rasmussen at the annual conference of the EU studies Association of Asia-Pacific in Bangkok

In the June, September, October and December editions of the Dutch newsletter 'de Hofvijver' articles appeared by Arco Timmermans, Lucie Spanihelova and Petya Alexandrova. For more information see the Dutch version of this webpage


Valorisation 2010

Between 18 and 20 March 2010, Arco Timmermans and Gerard Breeman participated in the IPSA international conference: 'Is there a European Model of Governance? A Comparative Perspective'.

In June 2010 Petya Alexandrova, Lucie Zicha, Sebastiaan Princen, Anne Rasmussen, Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans participated at the 'Annual Conference Comparative Agenda's Project' in Seattle. Read more about the conference here.


Valorisation 2009

In June 2009 the MI hosted an international workshop for the different national research teams.