Jongerius: Where is the beef for St. Maarten?

Met dank overgenomen van A.M. (Agnes) Jongerius i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 juli 2018, 3:14.

Member of the European parliament Agnes Jongerius of the Dutch Labour Party PvdA wants to know whether the reconstruction funds the European Union promised to St. Maarten after Hurricane Irma are indeed forthcoming.

“Everyone is willing to contribute to the reconstruction, but I have also received signals that the recovery is progressing too slowly. It is not entirely clear whether the Dutch part of the island truly has access to the assistance that was promised by the EU,” said Jongerius.

According to the MP, the urgency of a quick recovery has increased now that the hurricane season has started. “The most important thing is that the people of St. Maarten have a save, secure accommodation.”

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