Issues digital Model European Parliament (Berlin) 2021

Here you can find an outline of the issues which will be studied by the several committees during the digital international MEP-conference from 10 to 14 November 2021.





Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI I)

The question of sustainable urban development. In an increasingly urban world, cities across the

EU face complex and rapidly evolving challenges such as transportation, housing shortage and air pollution. In what ways can sustainable urban development be the guiding concept for policy makers and urban planners in building the cities of the future? In the light of its climate protection goals and the Green Deal, what measures should the EU take to promote sustainable and community-oriented urban development?



Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)

The question of the sustainable use of resources. We are currently consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for generations while at the same time waste and pollution grow. What can be done to increase resource efficiency and promote sustainable lifestyles that do not jeopardize the needs of future generations? What steps could the EU take to ease the transition towards a more resource-efficient and circular economy?



International Trade (INTA)

The question of the future relationship with China: The European Union’s 2019 Strategic Outlook

defined China as a “systemic rival”, a political player whose values seem as being fundamentally incompatible with those of the EU. China’s record on human rights in Hong Kong and against the Uyghurs is the main issue that divides it from the EU. Sanctions on China over human rights abuses impact trade relations. How can the EU cooperate and engage with China on an equal footing and work together on different issues?



Foreign Affairs - Security and Defence (AFET/SEDE)

The issue of relations between the EU and Russia: In the light of the ongoing Ukraine conflict and

the Russian influence on the antidemocratic regime in Belarus, how should the EU position itself towards Russia? Which political consequences need to be taken into consideration and how can the EU avoid jeopardizing its position in other global conflicts? How should a common foreign and security policy be implemented?



Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

The question of youth empowerment and active participation: Although young people’s engagement is crucial to democracy, they are underrepresented in decision-making processes which affect them. They need access to spaces in order to support their personal, cultural and political development. How can the EU strengthen young people’s democratic participation and autonomy as well as provide dedicated youth spaces in all areas of society especially for young people from different backgrounds?



Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI II)

The question of adolescent health: Adolescents today are under great social pressure. They have

been especially affected by school closures and restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic. Beyond getting sick, many adolescents’ social, emotional and mental well-being has been impacted by the pandemic. How can the EU address the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the young generation’s physical and mental health? How can we increase resilience in children, teens and young adults facing the challenges of the 21st century?



Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI)

The question of a future agricultural policy: Industrialized farming methods and intensive livestock farming have long been considered essential to feed Europe’s population. Intensive agriculture may be efficient, but it has led to higher stress on biodiversity and the environment due to nutrient surplus, use of pesticides and climate-damaging emissions. What measures

should be taken to transform the EU's agricultural policy? What can be done to tailor the EU’s agricultural policy better to the needs of the environment and animal welfare while at the same time ensuring food security for EU citizens?



Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA)

The question of artificial intelligence (AI): The more widespread implementation of artificial

intelligence (AI) is transforming industry and society. While its use may benefit Europeans, the increasing reliance on AI also poses significant risks concerning the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses, data protection and the functioning of democracy. Algorithms influence real-life decisions. What framework can the EU create to facilitate AI innovation across the EU and strengthen Europe’s potential to compete globally? What steps should be taken to maximize EU citizens’ opportunities to benefit from the technology and minimize the risks?



Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)

The question of protecting women against online violence and discrimination: Online violence and abuse against women and girls has become a far too common experience. Different forms of online harassment create a hostile environment intended to degrade, silence and intimidate women. What measures can be put in place to combat online violence directed at women and girls? How can the EU empower women and girls online and protect their right to express themselves freely and without fear?



Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)

The question of protecting our European values: In recent years the EU has been confronted with the question of what to do when Member States move towards systemic breaches of the very values underlying the EU including independence of the judiciary and the media. What can the EU do to counter democratic backsliding and protect democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights across the Union? How can the EU prevent breaches of EU values within the Member States and take effective action against governments for violating EU laws?



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