Issues digital Model European Parliament (Austria) 2021

Here you can find an outline of the issues which will be studied by the several committees during the digital international MEP-conference from 18 to 21 March 2021.





Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)

The question of the gender pay- and pension gap. With slow progress in achieving gender equality across Europe in both politics and employment, what is the role of women in perpetuating inequality in the workplace? To what extent should EU member states, take more radical action to close the pay and pension gap of Europe’s female labour force?



Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)

The question of Industrial Revolution 4.0 challenges. While enabling so far unknown conveniences, ongoing automation and digital transformation are estimated to radically change up to 45 % of European workplaces in future decades. Which measures should be taken to ensure that current and future employees acquire and retain the skills to remain effective in a fast-changing economy? How best should labour conditions be adapted to this new scenario?



Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)

The issue of ‘A Marshall Plan’ for Africa. A new EU strategic partnership? The African continent is home to the fastest growing economies and population in the world. It is becoming an increasingly important market and focus of new geopolitical interest. In the light of growing migration to the EU from Africa and thriving Chinese competition in Africa, what role should the EU play in developing a new economic partnership of development, trade and investment strategy to best promote EU interests?



Culture and Education (CULT)

The question of youth empowerment and active participation: How can young people – at school, work and in civil society - be educated to become active citizens and to have more say in the solution and decisionmaking processes in their societies and in the EU.



Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

The question of world food supply. With global demand for agricultural produce for food, feed and fuel rising, how should the EU expand agricultural knowledge and innovation systems while equally combatting global warming, the growing loss of biodiversity and the scarcity of water supplies?



Foreign Affairs - Security and Defence (AFET/SEDE)

The issue of a nuclear-arms free world. The recently Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons. For nuclear armed states joining the treaty, it provides for a timebound framework for negotiations leading to the verified and irreversible elimination of its nuclear weapons programme. In the wake of this new treaty, what should the EU do to encourage nuclear disarmament among its Member States, its neighbours and partners in the world?



Foreign Affairs - Human Rights (AFET/DROI)

The question of unaccompanied migrant children and teenagers. The UNHCR estimates that up to one third of the world’s stateless people are children. How should the EU address the issue of migrant child and teenage statelessness and ensure that the fundamental rights of young, frequently unaccompanied migrants are respected across the EU?



International Trade (INTA)

The question of resuming TTIP negotiations with the USA. In the light of new US leadership how meaningful is it to resume negotiations on a new TTIP agreement. With the Council having adopted two new mandates for the EU Commission to begin trade agreement talks with the US, how should the EU approach the negotiations to secure a new deal?



Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

The issue of privacy rights and big data processing. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal exposing the extent of commercialisation and exploitation of personal data by social networks like Facebook, which counter measures can the EU take. While specific provisions have been adopted to protect personal information (e.g. GDPR) the practice of mass data collection remains unchanged. Which further steps should be taken to protect consumer rights to their data, while minimising the financial impact on companies and their stakeholders?



Development (DEVE)

The question of the European enlargement policy for the Western Balkans. The European Commission set a target of 2025 for Western Balkan EU accession. With negotiations underway with the candidate countries, however, ‘enlargement fatigue’ among member states has led to unnecessary delays. In the light of Russian, Chinese and Saudi Arabian infrastructure investments and ideological and political interference, how can the EU continue to foster economic and political stability as well as sustainable development towards meeting the accession target date?



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