Bono refuses to receive a letter about tax avoidance

Met dank overgenomen van P.J.G. (Paul) Tang i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 oktober 2018, 3:37.

When in it comes to avoidance, Bono rules the world. After avoiding taxes, he now avoided Dutch MEP Paul Tang who was waiting in the European Parliament to give Bono an urgent letter. The letter calls on Bono to stop using letterbox-companies to avoid taxes.

“It’s a real pity that Bono avoided any discussion on tax avoidance. He has a beautiful voice that he dedicates to charity work in Africa, but he must also raise his voice for a fair tax system. This means that he should start paying his fair share and stop avoiding taxes”, says MEP Paul Tang.

Tang’s letter to Bono states: “The Paradise Papers showed it very clearly: you can dodge taxes, if you can afford to do so. So therefore, local companies and hardworking middle class people were not on the list. Queen Elizabeth and Lewis Hamilton were. And so were you.”

Bono has been under fire for tax avoidance for a long time. Last year, Bono’s name was mentioned in the Paradise Papers. Furthermore, he set up a letterbox company in the Netherlands to avoid a tax on royalties.

In February, Paul Tang returned Bono’s ‘letter box’ as a playful protest against Bono’s tax avoidance. Today he wanted to give Bono a letter about the importance of a fair tax system. However, Bono refused to accept the letter.

“Bono is my musical hero, but with his wealth he can also afford to pay his fair share of taxes. I find it incomprehensible that he refuses to discuss this. The letter has now been sent by post and I will keep knocking on his door until he answers.”

Read the full letter Paul Tang wrote to Bono here.