The Independent: The EU has just passed a law that could end the problems with free movement which led to Brexit in the first place

Met dank overgenomen van A.M. (Agnes) Jongerius i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 2 juni 2018, 3:39.

Yesterday the European parliament passed a new law that will end the conflation of free movement of people with the undercutting of local workers by EU migrants.

During the 2016 EU referendum campaign, the issue of free movement was front and centre. Remember all those people saying how eastern European workers would come to the UK and work for less, meaning they couldn’t get jobs in their own towns? The EU has finally addressed this issue.

The new rules voted this week in Strasbourg will prevent the exploitation of workers, bringing about equality between posted workers and their local co-workers. Now employers will be obliged to offer equal pay from the start of the posting, as well as the same allowances and reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs.

See here the whole article by Agnes Jongerius and Jude Kirton-Darling in the Independent.