EU common values should be addressed in education

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 maart 2018.

Sophie in 't Veld sent a written question to the Commission about the way in which it will ensure that the EU common values, as mentioned in Article 2 of the EU treaty, will be addressed in education. This could stimulate an informed dialogue and shared understanding on EU common values in the EU, which is of particular importance in Member States where these values are under threat. 

Question for written answer

to the Commission

Rule 130

Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE)

Subject:       EU common values in education

The past years we have seen an increasing contestation of the EU common values mentioned in the Article 2 TEU. In light of this, it is important that these values are being addressed in education, so that an informed dialogue on them is stimulated in the EU. Education can help building a shared understanding of EU common values among all the EU citizens. As the Commission stated in its Communication of 14 November 2017: "Education and culture help make Europe an attractive place to live, study and work, marked by freedom and common values, which are reflected in fundamental rights and an open society. Education forms the basis for active citizenship and helps prevent populism, xenophobia and violent radicalisation."[1]

In light of this:

  • 1) 
    Will the Commission put forward proposals and implement actions ensuring that all children in Europe will learn about the European values laid down in Article 2 TFEU and about their rights, as enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, with the aim to go beyond proposals already issued?[2]
  • 2) 
    How does the Commission intend to reflect its commitment to EU common values in education in its funding decisions, including in the current MFF?
  • 3) 
    Does the Commission intend to propose new actions on this topic in the next MFF?

[1]     European Commission, Communication, Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture – The European Commission's contribution to the Leaders' meeting in Gothenburg, COM(2017) 673 final, Strasbourg, 14.11.2017.

[2]     European Commission, Proposal for a Council Recommendation on promoting common values, inclusive education, and the European dimension of teaching, COM(2018) 23 final, Brussels, 17.1.2018.