Marietje Schaake over misbruik bij hulporganisaties

Met dank overgenomen van M.R. (Marietje) Schaake i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 maart 2018, 2:49.

Op 9 maart sprak Marietje Schaake op NOS Radio 1 over de berichten over (seksueel) misbruik bij hulporganisaties. Marietje Schaake wil weten wat de organisaties doen om misbruik tegen te gaan en vindt dat slachtoffers makkelijker aangifte moeten kunnen doen. Luister het fragment hier terug (vanaf 24:20).

Hieronder de urgente parlementaire vragen aan Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Federica Mogherini:

Various cases of sexual abuse and misconduct within international aid organisations have recently surfaced. These include the sexual exploitation of Syrian refugees by those delivering aid on behalf of the UN and well known international organisations.

Several countries, including the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have announced investigations into the funding they provide to these and other international organisations and to take measures to prevent similar situations in the future.Through its external financial instruments and the European Development Fund the EU provides billions of Euros in assistance to third countries, amongst other through international organisations.

  • 1. 
    Will the HR/VP order a thorough investigation to determine whether EU funds have directly or indirectly funded the organizations where sexual abuse has been established?
  • 2. 
    What is the response by the HRVP to the abuse cases that have recently surfaced? In order to combat and prevent sexual misconduct within international aid organisations, is there room for guidelines within the EU’s external financial instruments that make funding strictly conditional upon principles, oversight, guidelines, accountability and regular reporting from beneficiaries on this issue?
  • 3. 
    Will the HR/VP consider working with Member States such as The Netherlands to set up contact points in third countries, including in crisis zones for victims of abuse?