Liberals and Democrats push for strengthening rights to ePrivacy

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 oktober 2017.

The European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) today adopted its report on the Commission's proposal for regulation of ePrivacy, ensuring that the level of privacy protection for users of electronic communications services is maintained, whereby users must give their consent before any processing of their personal data. Sophie in't Veld, ALDE's shadow rapporteur of the file fighting to strengthen the confidentiality provisions and user control, endorsed the outcome:

"ALDE welcomes the outcome of the vote on the ePrivacy regulation. In the digital era, Europe is a global leader in protecting the rights of users. The Regulation will offer strong protection of user privacy and at the same time eliminate the patchwork of 28 national laws.

"The Regulation as voted by LIBE will give users control over their personal data, so they can decide for themselves what level of privacy they prefer. This will create the trust that is essential for the further development of our digital economy."