Privacy platform: “Track or Treat!" Behavioural targeting and online privacy

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 oktober 2017.

I have the pleasure to invite you to the next European Parliament Privacy Platform on Thursday 9 November 2017, 12h30-13h45, in the Square Meeting Center in Brussels. A lunch will be served after the event.

The theme of this edition's Privacy Platform is “Track or Treat!" Behavioural targeting and online privacy.’ The panel will discuss the state-of-play of the ePrivacy Regulation and its likely consequences for online behavioural targeting and advertising. Why does the EU need a new regulation regarding online privacy? Which balance to strike between user friendliness and privacy protection? How will publishers be impacted by the new rules? These questions will be addressed in this Privacy Platform's panel from a policy, academic and business perspective.     


12h30    Welcome by Ms Sophie in ’t Veld MEP

12h40    Introductory speeches by the panellists

13h15    Q&A interaction


Gina Neff - Oxford Internet Institute, Senior Research Fellow on Innovation and the Digital Transformation of Industries

Mathilde Fiquet - EU Legal Affairs Manager, the Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing (FEDMA)

Ross Phillipson - Associate General Counsel, Global Privacy, CyberSecurity and IT law, Procter & Gamble 

Raegan Macdonald - EU Policy Manager at Mozilla

If you would like to attend the Privacy Platform, please register before 20 October with via by mentioning your full name and your organization.