Parliamentary questions on new 'national consulation' Hungarian government

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 oktober 2017.

Last week, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced the launch of a nation-wide consultation in which Hungarians are requested to give their opinion on the so-called  'plan-Soros' on migration. Sophie in 't Veld submitted written parliamentary questions to the European Commission. Read them here and below.

Question for written answer

to the Commission

Rule 130

Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE)

Subject: New “national consultation” by the Hungarian government

This week, the Hungarian government launched propaganda spots in the media in advance of the new “national consultation” on a so-called “Soros Plan” on migration.

  • Will the Commission, six months after the Hungarian Government's 'Stop Brussels' consultation, again “make public its own response, in order to dispel misunderstandings and perhaps get the facts straight”?
  • Does the Commission consider this “national consultation” will fuel xenophobia and anti-semitism, in violation of Art 2 TEU, and that it is contrary to the principle of sincere cooperation and solidarity between the Member States and the EU?
  • Does the Commission consider this “national consultation” further adds to the weakening of democratic checks and balances in Hungarian society?