In 't Veld asks the European Commission about abolition of EU Anti-Corruption Report

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 juli 2017.

In January, against all expectations, the European Commission announced its decision to not publish a second EU Anti-Corruption Report, shifting anti-corruption monitoring to the framework of the European Semester [1]. This decision was taken despite former assurances that the second report was going to be published in 2016 by the Commission and the European Parliament resolution 2015/2110(INI) on the fight against corruption and follow-up of the CRIM resolution, which explicitly calls for the Commission to submit the second Anti-Corruption Report.

Against this background,

  • 1. 
    Can the Commission confirm that the report was, in fact, ready to be published by the end of 2016?
  • 2. 
    Can the Commission confirm that the preparatory work for the report or parts thereof was tendered to PwC or otherwise part of a framework contract?
  • 3. 
    Given that the fight against corruption is largely a law enforcement matter, and EU instruments for fighting corruption have a legal basis relating to police- and justice cooperation, can the Commission clarify why it considers that democratic oversight should be part of the European semester and thus fall under another Commissioner?
