In 't Veld asks European Commission about insufficient manpower in Member States to process information related to counter terrorism

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 juli 2017.

Counter terrorism policies of the EU have so far concentrated largely on the mass collection and storage of personal data. EU laws have created the obligation to collect and store a wide range of personal data, mapping our connections, our movements and our transactions. Recently focus has turned to improving the sharing of information. However, in many Member States the capacity to process the information is wholly inadequate. There have been massive investments in IT infrastructure, but far too little in actual manpower. This creates a serious risk of overlooking vital information, and thus undermines all counter terrorism efforts.

  • 1. 
    Is the Commission aware of the problem, and does it have a complete picture of the available capacity in the Member States and possible gaps?
  • 2. 
    Does the Commission agree that sufficient capacity for processing information is a vital part of the entire chain of counter terrorism efforts, and that insufficient capacity in one or more Member States therefore seriously weakens the effectiveness of EU counter terrorism policies?
  • 3. 
    Does the Commission agree that sufficient processing capacity in Member States is essential for security in the EU as a whole, and will the Commission put forward legislative proposals obliging Member States to ensure adequate capacity for processing information? If not, why not?