ALDE Vice-President Sophie in 't Veld MEP to join the march to advocate LGBTI rights in Poland

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 juni 2017.

Sophie in ’t Veld, Vice-President of the ALDE Group and Vice-President of the LGBTI Intergroup in the European Parliament, will attend the Warsaw Pride on Saturday to support activists, NGOs, and citizens fighting to eradicate homophobia and transphobia in Poland.

The ALDE Group calls on Polish authorities to ensure that the march takes place in a safe and peaceful environment. Everyone should be able to march freely for their rights.

Commenting ahead of the march, Sophie in 't Veld MEP said: "On Saturday, we will march to support those who want to make Poland a modern, open, inclusive society where all citizens are equal, where all can freely and safely be themselves".

“Gay rights marches were still banned in Poland when the country joined the European Union in 2004. In 2006 and 2007 I participated in the Warsaw Pride March. At the time, the Pride Marches were met with strong opposition and even violence. Today, we celebrate Warsaw as a city of diversity and openness.”

“There is still a long road ahead to achieve full equality in Poland and to eradicate homophobia, but I truly welcome the support of Polish politicians and authorities".

“This weekend we do not only celebrate LGBTI pride, it is also about taking a stance against the nationalist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, authoritarian agenda pushed by some political parties. Today is also a manifestation for a pro-European, progressive agenda of diversity, equality and democracy. We celebrate fundamental rights for all and the rule of law.”

Nowoczesna has today presented a legislative proposal proposing, among other things, the institution of civil partnership. Commenting on this initiative, Sophie in ’t Veld said: “ALDE congratulates Nowoczesna on its initiative for same-sex civil unions. If adopted, these proposals will transform and upgrade Poland’s approach to LGBTI relationships. We hope the Polish parliament will endorse the proposal and embrace diversity and equality for all Polish citizens.”

Paweł Rabiej, member of board of Nowoczesna said: "The right for happiness should be supported by the state. Love, partnership, the bond of two people are an important value and deserve protection. It doesn't matter if it concerns a man and woman, two men or two women. This act is aimed to protect and respect people who love each other and simply want to be together."

During the pride weekend, Sophie in ’t Veld will host meetings with NGOs, activists and members of ALDE’s Polish sister party, Nowoczesna. Sophie in ’t Veld will participate in a press conference for the Warsaw Equality Parade at 14:00 at the Hard Rock Cafe and the march on Saturday will start at 16:00.