Brexit & the rights of EU citizen's in the UK: Liberal and Democrat MEPs demand an ambitious agreement

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 12 mei 2017.

At the request of ALDE First Vice President Sophie In't Veld MEP, who has set up a Task Force within the European Parliament to fight for the rights of EU citizens in the UK, the European Parliament today held a joint hearing on the rights of EU citizens in the UK post-Brexit. 

Liberal and Democrat MEPs are determined that a mutual agreement on the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU will be a priority in the Brexit negotiations. ALDE MEPs will only give their consent for Brexit negotiations to move from phase one to phase two, when an adequate arrangement for citizens is in place. 

Sophie In't Veld MEP, founder of the MEP Task Force on the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU, commented before the hearing; 

"More than 3 million EU citizens have used their right to free movement and made a life for themselves in the UK.  Many of these three million have been living in the UK for years, if not decades, and have contributed to British society. They have fallen in love and married in the UK, they have built a career in the UK, bought a home, and have children or grandchildren in the UK, many of whom have British nationality."

"MEPs are united in their determination to remove the considerable uncertainty created for so many people by the Brexit decision. Despite some media reports to the contrary, the EU has made a reciprocal agreement on the rights of citizens our number one priority. It is extremely disappointing that the UK authorities refused our invitation to attend our hearing today. As soon as negotiations start, which have incurred an unfortunate delay as a result of the decision to hold a snap election in the UK, this will be the first item to be discussed. 

"EU nationals who have lived and contributed to the UK do not have a vote in this so-called Brexit general election and I fear they will feel even more isolated and fearful as the election campaign progresses. The EU task force will continue to represent EU citizens in the UK. We have a moral obligation to fight for their rights to be safeguarded. We appeal to all EU governments to declare unilaterally that, in any case, British citizens in EU-countries won´t have to leave post-Brexit."