Privacy Platform May, 31: can security and privacy be reconciled?

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 april 2017.

I have the pleasure to invite you to the next European Parliament Privacy Platform on Wednesday 31 May, 13h15-15h00, in the European Parliament in Brussels, in room JAN4Q1. A light sandwich lunch will be served before the event.

The theme of this edition’s Privacy Platform is ‘Targeted surveillance: can security and privacy be reconciled?’ The panel will discuss the possibilities for targeted surveillance instead of mass surveillance and its potential for law enforcement and secret services. How does targeted surveillance differ from mass surveillance and how does it enable secret services to get the right information on terrorist suspects? Can targeted surveillance, combined with the right safeguards, protect the right to privacy while serving security? These questions will be addressed in this Privacy Platform's panel from a policy-, technical and legal perspective.

13h15 Welcome by Ms Sophie in ’t Veld MEP

13h20 Speech Commissioner Julian King

13h30 Introductory speeches by the other panellists

14h00 Q&A interaction


Mr William Binney

Former technical director of the NSA. Developed ThinThread, a tool that would enable the NSA to pursue targeted surveillance on suspects by identifying specific potentially significant data, while protecting citizens’ privacy and maintaining a small budget. Despite advantages, the NSA decided not to use ThinThread.

Mr Jan van Oort

Chief Engineer at Kivu, a technological security start-up company developing an intelligent, high-performance platform that allows governments to perform targeted anti-terrorism surveillance

Mr Federico Fabbrini

Professor of Law at the Dublin City University, specialised in surveillance and privacy

If you would like to attend the Privacy Platform, please register before 19 May with Stijn ter Heerdt through In case you do not have a European Parliament access badge, please also send your first name, last name, nationality, date of birth, ID card/passport, and number of ID card/passport.

I am looking forward to welcoming you at this edition of the European Parliament Privacy Platform!