MEP demands disclosure of confidential EU documents on UK free movement case

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 april 2017.

In 2011 and 2012 the European Commission launched infringement procedures against the UK, arguing that certain UK laws were violating freedom of movement. Member of European Parliament (ALDE/D66) Sophie in 't Veld insists the Commission discloses information about the case: “Tens of thousands of EU citizens are currently applying for permanent residence in the UK, anticipating Brexit. One in three have had their application rejected. For these people this is vital information.”

Health Insurance

A little-known health insurance requirement risks disqualifying EU citizens from UK residency. In ´t Veld: “These citizens have the right to know why the Commission considered the requirement of additional health insurance unlawful, and why the Commission did not pursue the case. Disclosure of the documents could potentially provide affected citizens with ways of further action to ascertain their right as enshrined in European law.”


In 't Veld seeks publication of the documents through an EU ´access to documents´ request, a FOIA like procedure. However, the Commission refuses to disclose the information. In 't Veld has appealed the decision: “Prime Minister May has just announced a snap election. It will be an opportunity for British voters to express their views on Brexit. However, this will not resolve the situation of EU citizens in the UK. Disclosure of the documents remains urgent. For many people it may mean the difference between certainty for their family, their homes, their jobs and their businesses, or possibly losing everything they have."