Asylum legislation in Hungary: Commission must cease ignoring breaches of EU law

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 10 maart 2017.

The Hungarian National Parliament has today approved a new piece of legislation that will enable the automatic detention of all asylum seekers in container camps on the southern borders of the country. The ALDE group urges the European Commission to examine the compatibility of this legislation with EU law and calls on EU governments to assess the situation during the upcoming EU summit.

Sophie in ‘t Veld, ALDE group vice-president and EP rapporteur for the directive laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection, said: “Detaining asylum seekers simply because they are asylum seekers is a clear breach of EU and international law. It does not serve any purpose; on the contrary, it will lead to further trauma and despair”.

“The Hungarian government has been fanning hostility to asylum seekers for years now, and again it seems to justify this measure by linking migration with terrorism. That is unacceptable”.

“We urge the European Commission to act swiftly and with determination. The Commission has been ignoring reports pointing out human rights violations. It has also turned a blind eye to breaches of EU and international law in Hungary. The Commission has the obligation to act”

“EU governments must firmly condemn this new law during the next European Council”.

Nathalie Griesbeck, ALDE LIBE coordinator, added: “Hungary, as any other Member State,  is bound by European and international law.  The increased number of asylum applications does not justify any violation of European or international legislation”.

“This new bill raises several legal concerns. I am particularly worried about children, who will also be detained under these inhuman conditions. This bill could have a terrible impact  on their physical and psychological conditions"