Response of in ´t Veld en Schaake on presidency Trump

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 november 2016.

Members of the European Parliament Sophie in 't Veld and Marietje Schaake (ALDE/D66) respond to the election of Donald Trump:

In 't Veld (D66-delegation leader and ALDE first Vice-President):

"Of course I am very disappointed with this outcome. Unfortunately, America voted for a candidate that divides people. Now more than ever we need a united Europe. We need to defend everything we stand for; equality, human rights and democracy, with more power than ever. We need to speak with one voice, in Europe, but more importantly in the world."

Schaake (Vice-President of the EU-US delegation of the European Parliament):

"Americans voted after one of the most negative and polarizing campaigns in the history of the United States. The deep polarization will urgently have to be addressed. Trump dismisses the status quo, but also challenges numerous fundamental principles we cherish. We face deep insecurity over what comes next. In his campaign, Trump promised to implement big changes in the relations between the US and Europe. If implemented, Trump’s election will have enormous consequences in the field of security, NATO, but also trade. More American nationalism and protectionism will directly affect Europe."

"Irrespective of the question which changes Trump will implement, European leaders now need to give priority to working together on guaranteeing security. Dependence on the US under Trump for our security is irresponsible, especially if the US will not adhere to article 5 of the NATO treaty. European leaders need to put their differences aside to make sure the EU member states, together, can play a role of significance on the world stage, when necessary without the US. The economic consequences of protectionism will only become visible over the long term, but will undoubtedly have a big negative impact on countries that are highly dependent on trade, such as the Netherlands."