Poland: right to safe and legal abortion must be guaranteed

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 september 2016.

The ALDE Group deplores the results of the votes held today in the Polish Parliament, which rejected a piece of legislation liberalising abortion and approved in first reading a bill for an almost complete ban.

European liberals and democrats call on the members in the Sejm to work on legislation that guarantees women's rights, especially the right to safe and legal abortion. Poland already has one of the most restrictive legal frameworks in this field, and the text approved today could have terrible consequences for women's health and lives.

Guy Verhofstadt, president of the ALDE Group

"Today, more than ever, we stand with Polish women and all those citizens who have marched in Poland to protest against this restrictive and outdated legislation to fully ban abortions. I am convinced Polish men and women will not allow certain political representatives to take the country backwards"

Sophie In't Veld, ALDE first vice-president, said: "Polish legislation is already among the most restrictive in Europe. Such restrictive laws do not contribute to reduce the number of abortions. On the contrary, these types of laws only lead to unsafe abortions with high health risks, as well as to abortion tourism to other countries, only for those women who can afford it. It is therefore ineffective and hypocritical".

"ALDE calls for a liberal law, which covers all aspects of sexual and reproductive rights, including access to safe and legal abortion. A liberal policy is proven to be the best way of reducing unplanned pregnancies. Women should decide over their own body and their own life".