Commissioner-designate Julian King: European liberals and democrats will abstain

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 september 2016.

During this morning's meeting of the European Parliament's Conference of Presidents, ALDE first vice-president Sophie In't Veld, informed political group leaders that the ALDE Group will vote to abstain on the nomination of Sir Julian King as the British Commissioner. The doubts raised about the suitability of the allocation of the Security Union portfolio to Julian King have led the group to take this decision. While ALDE has no hesitations about the competences of the commissioner-designate, the group considers that the allocation of the Security Union portfolio to Julian King raises questions, given the UK will soon start the process of leaving the EU, as well as the UK's long-standing opt-out from Justice and Home Affairs measures.

Sophie In't Veld, first vice-president of the ALDE Group, said: "ALDE is convinced Julian King is highly competent, and has the qualities needed to fulfil the position of Commissioner. We are also convinced of his European commitment".

"However, the hearings in Parliament are meant to answer a second question, about the suitability of the candidate for a particular portfolio. In judging that, we not only assess the personal qualities of the candidate, but also the political context. In this regard, ALDE feels President Juncker should clarify his decision on the allocation of this portfolio, in view of the UK opt out of the policy area and of the Brexit".

"We would also like some clarifications about the position of the EU Commissioner during the Brexit negotiations. Against this backdrop, we feel we are unable to answer the second question in the affirmative. Therefore ALDE shall abstain in the vote on the confirmation of Julian King as Commissioner."

Cecilia Wikström, ALDE coordinator of the civil liberties committee in the European Parliament, added: "I regret the ALDE-group will have to abstain from the plenary vote on the commissioner designate Sir Julian King. We do so out of respect for him, knowing he would be a good commissioner. Given the British opt-outs in the field of security and the unprecedented situation after the Brexit vote, the ALDE-group can unfortunately not vote in favour of the Commissioner designate".