Poland's abortion law: political forces should work on legislation that fully protects women’s’ rights

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 september 2016.

Ahead of next week’s debate in the Polish parliament on two citizens’ proposals to amend the country’s abortion law, European Liberals and Democrats encourage all political forces in the Sejm not to tighten the current national legislation. Moreover, the ALDE Group calls for a debate that leads to more supportive policies towards women’s rights.

Sophie In’ t Veld, first vice-president of the ALDE group, said: "It is deeply worrying to see that there are attempts to roll back women's rights by reactionary forces. Instead we urge the Sejm to elaborate a modern package covering the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health and rights, including safe and legal abortion".

Angelika Mlinar, ALDE coordinator of the FEMM committee in the European Parliament Parliament, added:  "Poland already has a very strit abortion law that allows for the termination of pregnancy only under three specific circumstances, which has created a market for unsafe and illegal abortions. I call on the Polish Parliament to stand up for women's fundamental rights next week and reject the bill calling for a  total ban on abortion. Every women should be able to make decisions about her own body . Only then will real gender –equality be achieved".