Kiev Pride: Sophie in 't Veld joins the march to advocate LGBTI rights in Ukraine

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 10 juni 2016.

Sophie in 't Veld, vice-president of the ALDE Group and vice-president of the LGBTI Intergroup in the European Parliament, will attend the Kiev Pride on Sunday to support those activists, NGOs, and citizens fighting to eradicate homophobia and transphobia in Ukraine. The ALDE Group calls on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure that the march takes place in a safe and peaceful environment and to avoid attacks on the event, as was the case in the past. Everyone should be able to march freely for their rights.

Sophie In' t Veld: " On Sunday we support those who want to make Ukraine a modern, open, inclusive society where all citizens are equal, where all can freely and safely be themselves".

"There is still a long road ahead to achieve full equality in Ukraine and to eradicate homophobia, but I truly welcome the support of Ukrainian politicians and authorities".

"By embracing diversity, these Ukrainian representatives and all the other pride participants are paving the way for a more open-minded and enriched Ukraine".

During the pride weekend, the vice-president of the ALDE group will meet members from the Ukrainian Parliament, as well as representatives from NGOs and civil organisations. In 't Veld will also host the post pride ALDE4Equality meeting.

The march on Sunday will take place between 9 and 12h. A press conference will follow at 14h. In 't Veld will try to cover the pride via her twitter account (@SophieintVeld).