Parliamentary Questions: Respect of fundamental rights and the principle of mutual sincere cooperation in agreements relating to asylum and migration policies

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 10 juni 2016.

Members of the European Parliament Sophie in 't Veld (ALDE/D66), Barbara Spinelli (GUE/NGL), Stelios Kouloglou (GUE/NGL), Sofia Sakorafa (GUE/NGL), Stefan Eck (GUE/NGL), Iuliu Winkler (EPP), Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE), Barbara Lochbihler (Verts/ALE), Josef Weidenholzer (SD), Bodil Valero (Verts/ALE), Iosu Juaristi Abaunz (GUE/NGL), Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL), Hilde Vautmans (ALDE), Ana Maria Gomes (SD), Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL), Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), Petras Austrevicius (ALDE), Curzio Maltese (GUE/NGL), Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL), Soraya Post (SD) and Julie Ward (SD) have tabled written questions to the European Commission about a series of agreements launched by the Council relating to asylum and migration with certain aspects kept secret, without parliamentary scrutiny.

You can read the questions here: