Poland: historic decision by EU Commission welcome

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 januari 2016.

The ALDE Group strongly welcomes the announcement of the European Commission to launch a preliminary assessment on the constitutional reforms in Poland, within the EU framework to strengthen the rule of law. The European Parliament will debate the situation in Poland next Tuesday. The European Parliament is also drafting a Legislative Initiative report calling on the Commission to put forward policy proposals for an EU mechanism on democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights.

Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Alliance of Liberal and Democrats for Europe said:

"This is an important and necessary first step, which should be strongly welcomed. The European Commission has sent a clear message to those Member States who have demonstrated a lack of respect for the rule of law, which is one of the founding values of the European Union.

"It is very sad that this Government is driving Poland's relationship with the European Union to a new low. Poland deserves better. By stoking historic tensions between European nations, this Polish Government shows how out of touch it is with 21st century Europeans and the values of the European Union we have created together."

Sophie in ´t Veld, ALDE Group first vice-president and European Parliament's rapporteur for the establishment of an EU mechanism on democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights, said:

"The European Commission has so far always looked away when national governments have defied the rule of law and trampled on fundamental rights. Today's decision is a positive signal for the respect for the rule of law, democratic rules and fundamental rights. These are important conditions for the functioning of the European Union."

"While today's decision is a step in the right direction, it is noteworthy that the Commission only took just over two months to agree steps against the Polish government, yet they have allowed Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán to gradually erode the rule of law for many years. Defending the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights should not be ad hoc decisions, but should be made systematically, objectively and on the basis of evidence".

"The violation of shared values, not party politics must be the reason for the Commission to intervene. No one benefits from a partisan referee. We expect Timmermans now will fully endorse the proposal of the Parliament for a yearly health check."