Blog: Field visit to Jordan (1 November 2015)

Met dank overgenomen van Ch. (Christos) Stylianides i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 november 2015.

Jordan is a key partner for the European Union. We are deeply committed to continuing this fruitful relationship. The EU will continue to support Jordan to cope with these numbers. To respond to the increasing needs. For as long as it takes.

I have seen with my own eyes the difficulties of Syrians who have been forced to flee their country. Searching for a temporary sanctuary in Jordan. With winter approaching, the hardships they endure will only worsen.

I commend Jordan's great hospitality of these Syrian refugees. In particular, I want to commend the host communities. They are hosting over six hundred-thirty thousand (630,000) Syrian refugees. This is more than half of the population of my own country, Cyprus!

We are stepping-up our assistance to those most in need. EU is the largest donor. Our solidarity is solid.

Jordan is a key partner for the European Union. We are deeply committed to continuing this fruitful relationship. The EU will continue to support Jordan to cope with these numbers. To respond to the increasing needs. For as long as it takes.

It is vital that humanitarian aid be coupled with sustainable and durable assistance. To address the longer-term needs of this protracted crisis. More substantial stabilisation and resilience funding will come from other instrument. Such as the newly-set up EU Trust Fund for the Syria Crisis. And from EU and Member States budgets.

Humanitarian assistance alone cannot put an end to the enormous human suffering. Only a political solution can bring the Syria crisis to an end. Only then the people of Syria will be able to look forward to a brighter future.


With Syrian refugees in the Zaatari refugee camp.


With Taraweh, a refugee Syrian mother with her children in Mafraq.


With Syrian refugee Kholoud AL-Gazawi and her children, on the right, in the Zaatari camp.


With one of the efugees protagonists in the film “District Zero” at Oxfam Community Center during visit of the Zaatari camp.


In Mafraq at the Jordanian-Syrian borders.


With Andrew Harper, UNHCR's Representative to Jordan in the Zaatari refugee camp.


In Zaatari camp with UNHCR, WFP and UNICEF discussing recent challenges for Syrian refugees.


With Imad Fakhoury, Jordanian Minister for Planning and International Cooperation.


In Zaatari camp, Jordan.