European Council: conclusions for never-neverland

Met dank overgenomen van S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 oktober 2015.

The ALDE Group in the European Parliament has today re-iterated its call for a comprehensive strategy to tackle Europe's migration and refugee crisis. Sophie In' t Veld, ALDE first vice-president, expressed today dismay that the draft conclusions of the European council, taking place in Brussels tomorrow, only focus on "preventing people from coming, ensuring returns and outsourcing our problems" while proposals for safe and legal routes to the EU are completely "absent".

ALDE calls on the 28 Member States to put the whole package proposed by the Commission on the table and to include legal routes for economic migrants and a peace initiative to be taken forward by the EU in the framework of the UN in tomorrow's discussions.

Sophie in' t Veld, ALDE first vice-president, said: "These draft conclusions do not remotely constitute an answer to the current situation."

"Those expecting a credible response from EU Governments are set to be seriously disappointed. These conclusions are the conclusions for never-neverland. Not for the real world of today."

"Citizens are concerned. They see the images of large numbers of refugees coming to Europe. People are anxious and insecure if reception centres are established in their neighbourhoods".

"The majority of European citizens want to welcome refugees; they want Europe to show solidarity. But they also want to know Europe can handle the situation and that we are able to respond to the challenges. They want leaders to show determination and courage."

"These conclusions say the European council is willing to prove lasting prospects and adequate procedures for refugees. What does 'lasting prospects' mean? I really hope refugees will have the same definition of 'lasting prospect'. We expect Member States to reconsider these conclusions and come up with a realistic and comprehensive strategy, so we can truly say to European citizens: 'we made it'."