Blog: Mission to Erbil (25-27 July 2015)

Met dank overgenomen van Ch. (Christos) Stylianides i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 augustus 2015.

Europe’s solidarity with Iraq is solid

Europe’s solidarity with Iraq is solid. My visit to Erbil (and to Baghdad last month) is proof of this. We visited the region to offer our support to all Iraqi people. This is a crisis affecting the whole country and every community. In Kirkuk, I met Fahimah, a mother of two, who told me that they had just survived the odyssey of fleeing from al-Anbar. To find safety, they had to go on a dangerous journey, across deserts and checkpoints, manned by a myriad of hostile armed groups, threatened by the brutality of warring parties. Fahimah’s story is not unique. On the contrary, it is common for thousands of families, throughout the country. Too common.Together, we need to make sure that access to safety is granted to all civilians. That International Humanitarian Law is respected by all parties. The principle of distinction between combatants and civilians must be respected. If we do not address these humanitarian needs, this could have a major destabilising effect on the Kurdish Region of Iraq and the whole country.


Great honour to meet President Barzani. His leadership and wisdom are key in helping victims of this complex conflict.


Children of Peace: I watched the future dance in front of me. With dance group of IDP and refugee children.


Children of Peace: Kids must always be able to play (me too in this case!)


EU support to Mercy Corps brings water and sanitation to Iraqis displaced in Kirkuk by the conflict.


Children of Peace: EU-funded school for IDPs and refugees in Erbil with our partner TRIANGLE.


Children of Peace:turning children in war to children of peace gives future of hope to kids in protracted conflicts.


Rich and cordial discussion with Kirkuk Governor Dr Karim. Kirkuk a unique model; harmony of all Iraqis.


Collecting my thoughts after a rich and productive mission to Erbil.