Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 and EU Budget 2014 in a nutshell - Hoofdinhoud
Following the approval of the financial plan for the upcoming 7 years (MFF 2014-2020 i) and the 2014 EU budget before the end of last year, the Directorate General for Budget has released the "Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 and EU budget 2014" publication - a 24 page booklet in English, French and German. The booklet provides an overview of the key figures per budgetary headings and details on the planned expenditure of the new EU programmes this year. The booklet also contains numerous tables, comparisons and charts with additional information on the first budget of the new financial period.
Introducing this publication EU Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski i, responsible for Financial Programming and Budget, says: The 2014-2020 MFF brings in a whole set of new programmes that cover Europe’s political priorities for the next 7 years: research and innovation (Horizon 2020), connecting together the transport, energy and IT infrastructure of all Member States (Connecting Europe facility), education (Erasmus+), job opportunities for our youth (youth employment initiative) and competitiveness of Europe’s businesses (COSME), to name a few.
Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 and EU budget 2014: The figures (EN, FR , DE, PDF, 3.5 MB)
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