Europees Parlement steunt fondsen met een waarde van 51 miljard euro voor buitenlandse steun (en) - Hoofdinhoud
A deal with EU member states on six foreign policy funds, worth over €51 billion for 2014-2020, was endorsed by Parliament on Wednesday. These funds cover pre-accession assistance, neighbouring and partner countries, and peace-keeping, democracy and human-rights actions. Thanks to Parliament, EU foreign-policy spending will be more efficient and more effective, with greater democratic scrutiny.
Common Implementing Rules
"We do not want to micromanage EU external assistance but, to ensure the democratic legitimacy and accountability of EU action, we need to scrutinize the big decisions. A mid-term review of the strategic objectives will enable the next Parliament to have its say on priorities under these instruments. We have also ensured that EU action will be more visible, better coordinated, and more closely focused on human rights, democracy and civil society," said rapporteur on the common implementing rules Elmar BROK (EPP, DE).
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II)
"The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance will govern funding for our enlargement policy in the Western Balkans and Turkey, amounting to over 11 billion euro. It will make this assistance more flexible, better targeted and more closely tied to substantive progress on reform, with a special focus on the rule of law and fundamental rights. At the same time, it will enhance Parliament’s oversight of and influence over funding priorities," said IPA rapporteur Libor ROUČEK (S&D, CZ).
European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)
"Thanks to the new Neighbourhood Instrument the EU should be able to react faster to the changing reality of our neighbourhood, while clearly supporting democratic values and human rights. We are ready to give more support to countries that make progress on democratic reform, but also expect them to demonstrate more respect for these values,” said ENI rapporteur Eduard KUKAN (EPP, SK).
Partnership Instrument (PI)
"In our globalized world, it is vital for the EU to develop and strengthen its relations with other countries and regions so that we can tackle common challenges effectively. This requires adequate resources. The Partnership Instrument certainly has an important contribution to make',' said PI rapporteur Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE (EPP, ES).
Instrument for Stability and Peace (ISP)
"We are happy with one success in particular: the European Parliament doubled the funding available between 2014 and 2020 for conflict prevention to €200 million, despite opposition from EU governments. The new Instrument for Stability and Peace will do more to promote peace-building activities than its predecessor", said ISP rapporteur Reinhard BÜTIKOFER (Greens/EFA, DE).
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
"Strengthening human rights and democracy is a priority for us," said EIDHR rapporteur Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (ALDE, DE). "We won a stronger voice for Parliament and increased the human rights and democracy budget by about 20%. We also ensured tailored support for human rights defenders in dangerous situations. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome", he added.
Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)
"For the next seven years EU cooperation policy will focus on human and sustainable development. All our policies will be take a human rights-based approach and will be aimed at the poorest countries. Under this new regulation, the European Parliament will have more opportunity to check how policies are put into practice", said DCI rapporteur Thijs BERMAN (S&D, NL).
Vote results
Common Implementing Rules (Brok) 613 votes to 34, with 24 abstentions
Instrument for Stability and Peace (Bütikoffer) 621 votes to 46, with 8 abstentions
European Neighbourhood Instrument (Kukan) 618 votes to 53, with 8 abstentions
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (Rouček) 616 votes to 50, with 12 abstentions
Partnership Instrument (López-Istúriz White) 621 votes to 34, with 23 abstentions
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (Lambsdorff) 588 votes to 34, with 67 abstentions
Development Cooperation Instrument (Berman) 639 votes to 27, with 24 abstentions
Procedure: Co-decision, first reading agreement
For further details of the foreign policy instruments and Parliament's achievements in negotiations with the Council and the Commission see our background note (link to the right).
REF. : 20131206IPR30027
Updated: ( 11-12-2013 - 13:07)
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