Issues Model European Parliament Vilnius 2013 - Hoofdinhoud
Here you can find an outline of the issues which are studied by the several committees during the international MEP-conference 2013 in Vilnius.
Nr. |
Committee |
Issue |
1 |
Committee on Foreign Affairs |
The question of the role of the EU with regard to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Several CIS states have sought to develop closer relationships with the EU, not excluding the possibility of eventual membership of the European Union. This has at times resulted in tensions between the EU and the CIS. How can such tensions be dealt with and should the EU strive for closer partnership with certain CIS countries? How can the danger of geopolitical conflict between the EU and the CIS be reduced? |
2 |
Committee on Security and Defence |
The question of the involvement of the EU in armed international conflicts: Should the EU be willing to intervene by military means in international conflicts, or should the EU confine itself to reconstruction efforts after military hostilities have ended? |
3 |
Committee on Development |
The question of criteria for development aid and cooperation: To what extent should the human rights and political situation in developing countries influence EU policies with regard to aid and development cooperation? |
4 |
Committe on Economic and Monetary Affairs |
The question of the present serious economic problems in a number of specific member states : What should the role of the EU be in bringing stability to the national economies of the member states and to what extent should member states support each other in times of economic / financial crisis? |
5 |
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs |
The question of growing unemployment among young people in the European Union: Increasingly unemployment, specifically amongst the younger generation, is becoming a serious problem within the European Union. What measures can the EU take to stimulate the participation of young people in the labour market – or should fighting unemployment be considered a national responsibility? |
6 |
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy |
The question of shale-fuels: Shale-gas and shale-oil reduce our dependence on energy suppliers from outside the EU, but there are certain risks involved. The EU needs a joint shale-strategy to be able to compete internationally. To what extent does this require EU-regulation, or is this national responsibility? Which measures should the EU take to safeguard the steady supply of acceptably clean energy for all member states? |
7 |
Committee on Culture and Education |
The question relating to education reflecting labour market demands: The European jobs market is seeing high levels of over qualified workers, under qualified workers and unemployed. What could change in education policy to help reverse this and create a workforce with the necessary skills for the future? |
8 |
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (I) |
The question relating to immigration and achieving multi-ethnic societies: What is the EU doing at a multinational level to take responsibility for integration within member states? How does the EU protect the rights of minority groups and how far should EU member states accept cultural diversity when it conflicts with national cultural practices? |
9 |
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (II) |
The question of safe Internet use: How can the EU ensure a safer Internet for its youth? What measures can be taken to reduce the impact of pornography, cyber-bullying and unregulated social networking sites on the life of young people without violating the right to free speech and freedom of information? |
10 |
Committee on Constitutional Affairs |
The question of violation of the democratic principles of the EU: At the time of accession to the EU, criteria have to be met by candidate-members with regard to the quality of the democracy and rule of law in their country. How can/should the EU act when in individual member states the democratic principles of the Union are in danger of being violated by new national legislation or regulation? |