Calling all small businesses with bright ideas for e-Health!

Met dank overgenomen van N. (Neelie) Kroes i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 januari 2013.

New technology can do a huge amount for healthcare. From telecare that helps the vulnerable be cared for without leaving home—to simple smartphone apps that let people take control of their own healthy living.

And many of these innovations come from smaller and medium-sized companies. Last year TIC Biomed set up an EU SME e-Health competition to reward the smartest ideas from across Europe. I was delighted to personally congratulate the winners - from Denmark, Germany, Italy, and Spain - who came up with fresh and varied innovations that help technology boost healthcare and improve lives.

This year they’re repeating the challenge. And small and medium-sized businesses with bright e-Health ideas have until next Thursday, 31 January, to register. Winners will be announced at this year’s e-Health week, in Dublin in May - potentially offering you the visibility and marketing you need to attract customers, partners and capital. Full details are on the website