Afsluitend verslag van het Europees statistisch systeem net - Hoofdinhoud
The final report of the European Statistical System network on culture (ESSnet Culture) was published in October 2012.
It proposes a new European framework for cultural statistics as the basis for the production of comparable data across the EU, as well as concrete recommendations regarding, among others:
-an improved coverage of the cultural sector and cultural practices in European harmonised data collections, such as the Structural Business Statistics or the social surveys (e.g. Statistics on Income and Living Conditions), in order to produce reliable data on culture's contribution to growth and GDP as well as on cultural and social participation in the EU;
-updating of the statistical matrix for regular production of data on cultural employment (including economic activities in the cultural sector and all cultural occupations);
-continuing Eurostat and Member States’ work on cultural statistics, through task forces and pilot projects, in particular on such issues as cultural employment, trade in cultural goods and services, indicators on copyrights, cultural participation, and development of comprehensive satellite accounts on culture.
The ESSnet "Culture" consisted of several European Statistical System organisations, working together on methodological developments with the aim to produce results useful for all ESS members and leading to the generation of comparable statistics on culture within a reasonable time frame. The project, led under auspices of Eurostat, has been coordinated by the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg, which has worked in association with 4 other core co-partners - the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Czech Statistical Office, Statistics Estonia and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
The report [5 MB]
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