Leaked Strategy Paper: EU Plans To Phase Out Green Energy Subsidies
Bron: http://thegwpf.org/
The economic cost of the expansion of renewable energy could become prohibitively expensive. Subsidies in the EU for solar and wind power should be phased out as quickly as possible. That is what the European Commission says in an internal draft strategy paper that EU Energy Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, will present in Brussels early next month. --Hendrik Kafsack, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 May 2012
With the small island countries and the least developed states veering towards the European line on climate change, the larger developing economies came together with African countries, binding around the BASIC four - India, China, South Africa and Brazil - to demand that principles of equity and 'common but differentiated responsibility' be operationalised in the post-2020 climate regime. Developing countries like Malaysia, Argentina, Thailand and Venezuela, along with traditional oil economies like UAE have bundled their cards with the big four emerging economies of the BASIC grouping realizing that they would be the first ones to bear an unfair burden of emission reduction once the firewall is blow away in the new regime under discussion. --Nitin Sethi, The Times of India, 21 May 2012
Arnaud Montebourg, the newly-appointed French minister for "industrial revival" has promised to revive old plans for a carbon tariff at the EU's borders. Matthias Machnig, a former German environment minister, famously called the French idea "eco imperialism".--EurActiv, 18 May 2012
I’m never all that enamoured of decisions taken by politicians: no doubt this is some form of character flaw. But this decision that the UK Government seems to be taking about shale gas seems more foolish than most. For they’ve decided that it isn’t really going to be a solution to the country’s energy problems therefore it probably shouldn’t go ahead. But The Independent on Sunday has learned that industry experts made clear at a meeting attended by senior ministers, including David Cameron and Ed Davey, the Lib Dem energy secretary, that the UK’s reserves were smaller than first thought and could be uneconomical to extract. The point is that this isn’t a valid decision to be made by government. You know, it’s going to be the market, not politics, which is the proof of this particular pudding. --Tim Worstall, Forbes, 20 May 2012
1) Leaked Strategy Paper: EU Plans To Phase Out Green Energy Subsidies - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 May 2012
2) The Worldwide Crash Of Green Energy Companies - The Hockey Schtick, 16 May 2012
3) Green Governments Isolated As Developing Nations Join Forces At Climate Talks - The Times of India, 21 May 2012
4) France Plans To Revive EU Carbon War On Developing Nations - EurActiv, 18 May 2012
5) Tim Worstall: UK Government Being Fools About Shale Gas - Forbes, 20 May 2012
- 1.In Wageningen afgestudeerde milieudeskundige, die vierenhalf jaar Tweede Kamerlid voor de VVD was. Daarvoor was hij onder meer persoonlijk secretaris van Frits Bolkestein, commercieel directeur bij AgroFair, een bedrijf dat duurzaam geteeld fruit met Max Havelaar-keurmerk verkoopt, en directeur/eigenaar en adviseur van public affairs adviesbureau EPPA. Deskundige op het gebied van duurzaamheid en woordvoerder energie en buitenlandse handel. Was verder rapporteur over democratische legitimiteit van de EU. Moest op grond van VVD-integriteitsregels vanwege een niet-gemelde nevenactiviteit opstappen.