Nieuw online platform om digitale agenda te bespreken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van N. (Neelie) Kroes i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 april 2012.

I don’t think we could make the Digital Agenda succeed without the active involvement of all those people who are out there and interested in making it happen - stakeholders and citizens. To get them together, last year we held the first ever Digital Agenda Assembly: which I found very refreshing, with lots of participation and lots of ideas.

But this year I want to do things slightly differently. If you really want to “talk digital”, then you need to talk digitally, with an online forum too - and it’s now open for contributions!

We will still have an “Assembly” so people can come and give their views physically (the Assembly is on 21-22 June in Brussels). But with an online forum too, we can get a wider range of people joining in and contributing - and also make our real-life event smaller and more focused, giving us more bang for our euro.

We’ve identified 9 key topics - converged media; broadband; e-commerce; social media; cloud; data; security; innovation and entrepreneurship; and jobs and skills - that we want to focus on finding the answers to. So if you’ve got views on any of those topics, then please log on and share them.

My team and I will be actively following and participating in that debate. And we will take all the contributions to the physical Digital Assembly meeting, and that in turn will feed in to the review of the Digital Agenda that I am planning for towards the end of the year.

If you are interested, then get online and get engaged at Or comment on Twitter with the hashtag #da12. And please discuss, contribute, and shape the work we’re doing.