Wilders: a right-wing cabinet, with or without me

Met dank overgenomen van G. (Geert) Wilders i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 juli 2010.

Populist Dutch MP Geert Wilders says he told the new coalition negotiator Ruud Lubbers that he is hoping serious consideration will be given to a right-wing cabinet with the VVD, the Christian Democrats and his own Freedom Party. And if his own party can't be included, he would support the VVD and the Christian Democrats.

"People didn't vote for us so we could be in the opposition. I remain hopeful. It's time they listened to the 1½ million Freedom Party voters."

The anti-Islam MP said he hopes time will work in his favour and emphasized that, despite being the third largest, his party has not been included in coalition negotiations "for even a minute" so far.

Mr Wilders spent just under an hour talking to Ruud Lubbers today. He told reporters: "It was business-like. Too bad for you but I have no complaints to make".

Source: RNW.nl