Turbo-Charge the PVV

Met dank overgenomen van G. (Geert) Wilders i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 mei 2010.

As I reported yesterday, Geert Wilders’ political party is appealing for international help in advance of next month’s general elections in the Netherlands

The Party for Freedom (PVV) receives no government subsidies, but relies on private donations The Dutch media have mounted a full-bore assault against Mr. Wilders and his party to try to make sure that the PVV has no hand in the formation of the next Dutch government.

So the Party for Freedom is appealing for donations. Donations may be made to:

ING bank account of the Stichting Vrienden van de PVV in The Hague

(IBAN: NL98 INGB 0670 4723 44, BIC: INGBNL2A)

Postal address for the bank:

Postbus 20018

2500 EA Den Haag

There is also a Paypal application on the English-language website: http://www.geertwilders.nl/

Click here for the rest of the article


Geert Wilders Needs Help Urgently

maandag, 10 mei 2010

With four weeks to go before the general elections in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom are now engaged in a life-and-death struggle against the forces of jihad. In the last couple of years Geert Wilders has emerged as the international symbol of the struggle against Islam.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) refuses government subsidy in order to remain independent. All other Dutch parties receive government money. Therefore, the PVV is facing a serious challenge in order to survive this election season. Dutch state television is engaged in a massive campaign to smear the PVV.

The Party for Freedom needs your help urgently. Every donation is welcome.

ING bank account of the Stichting Vrienden van de PVV in The Hague:

IBAN: NL98 INGB 0670 4723 44


Postal address:

Postbus 20018

2500 EA Den Haag

There is also a Paypal application on the English-language website:




More links:



Stöd Geert Wilders och PVV; rättegång börjar om 4 veckor

maandag, 10 mei 2010

With four weeks to go before the general elections in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom are now engaged in a life-and-death struggle against the forces of jihad. In the last couple of years Geert Wilders has emerged as the international symbol of the struggle against Islam.



Wilders inciting hatred trial set for October

dinsdag, 04 mei 2010

MP Geert Wilders will go on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination in October, not June as first thought, the Volkskrant reports on Tuesday.

Amsterdam court said it had been forced to make the change because of scheduling problems. The court says it needs five days to hear evidence in the case.

The MP faces five charges religious insult and anti-Muslim incitement. In January, the public prosecution department extended the prosecution case to include inciting hatred of Muslims, Moroccans and non-Western immigrants.



Geert Wilders' PVV is ready to rule on behalf of Henk and Ingrid

dinsdag, 04 mei 2010

After three years 'practising in parliament', the PVV is ready to rule, party leader Geert Wilders said on Friday at the presentation of the party's manifesto for the June 9 general election.

'The PVV wants to join in but the party's influence must be substantial, otherwise there is no point in being in the cabinet,' Wilders said. 'The bigger we are, the bigger the chance we end up in government.'

The PVV is doing it for Henk and Ingrid - the average Dutch couple who form the 'heart and spine of society' but are being unfairly treated and sidelined by the 'political elite', Wilders said.



Holland is scared

maandag, 22 maart 2010

Holland used to be all tulips and wooden clogs, windmills and bicycles, flatlands and dikes; quite idyllic, except for the drugs and red-light district, and children having to stick their fingers into those dikes to save the country from flooding.

Today, however, Holland is homosexuals who are afraid to go out for fear of being beaten up by Muslim gangs, women threatened in the street for not dressing modestly or not covering their heads, and Theo van Gogh, the filmmaker whose throat was cut by a Muslim fanatic.



Dear Mayor of Monschau

dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Dear Mayor Margareta Ritter (margareta.ritter@stadt.monschau.de),

I have had the pleasure of visiting your exquisitely beautiful German town, the second member of my family to do so. The first was my dad, who, as a member of the 102nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron in Gen. Bradley's Army, had, with time out to recuperate from wounds incurred at the Battle of St Lo, fought across nothern Europe from D-Day plus 2 until reaching Monschau by the end of 1944.



Krauthammer on Wilders: Ignorant, Naive, and Wrong

dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Geert Wilders, said Charles Krauthammer, is "extreme, radical, and wrong." In reality, Charles Krauthammer is ignorant, naive, and wrong.

From "Krauthammer's Take" at National Review, March 9:

"...What he says is extreme, radical, and wrong. He basically is arguing that Islam is the same as Islamism. Islamism is an ideology of a small minority which holds that the essence of Islam is jihad, conquest, forcing people into accepting a certain very narrow interpretation [of Islam]."



Rep. Ted Poe Speaks Out in Support of Geert Wilders

dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

The Hon. Ted Poe, Congressman from Texas (where else?), spoke out yesterday on the floor of the House of Representatives on behalf of Geert Wilders:

Thursday March 11, 2010

Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police.



Finally, someone in the U.S. Congress speaks up for Wilders

dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

These are remarks given in the House of Represenatives yesterday by Rep. Ted Poe, Republican of Texas:

Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police. In the Netherlands, it is against the law to say something that offends someone else's religion. That is why Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders is on trial for hurting people's feelings.



US Representative Poe on Dutch Parliamentarian Wilders

dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police. In the Netherlands, it is against the law to say something that offends someone else’s religion. That is why Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders is on trial for hurting people’s feelings.He made a movie about terrorists and radical Islamic clerics encouraging violence in the name hate. Now he is on trial for insulting Islam.




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