Geert Wilders' PVV is ready to rule on behalf of Henk and Ingrid

Met dank overgenomen van G. (Geert) Wilders i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 april 2010.

After three years 'practising in parliament', the PVV is ready to rule, party leader Geert Wilders said on Friday at the presentation of the party's manifesto for the June 9 general election.

'The PVV wants to join in but the party's influence must be substantial, otherwise there is no point in being in the cabinet,' Wilders said. 'The bigger we are, the bigger the chance we end up in government.'

The PVV is doing it for Henk and Ingrid - the average Dutch couple who form the 'heart and spine of society' but are being unfairly treated and sidelined by the 'political elite', Wilders said.

Main points of the PVV manifesto

  • No more immigration from Islamic countries
  • Ethnic registration of everyone arrested
  • Deportation of foreigners who commit crimes and strip dual nationals of Dutch nationality
  • Closure of all Islamic schools, ban on new mosques
  • Ban on the Koran and burqa, introduction of a tax on headscarves
  • No more development aid, apart from in emergency situations
  • Limit on refugee numbers of 1,000
  • No more work permits for Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians
  • Fewer civil servants
  • No pension age increase
  • No change to mortgage tax relief
  • No cuts in unemployment benefit and student grants
  • No increase in healthcare own risk payment
  • 10,000 more police officers and 10,000 more nurses
  • Lower taxes


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Readers' comments

PVV definitely as my vote!

By Sandra V. | April 23, 2010 3:06 PM

I thought government and public servants where there to SERVE the public, not to rule over them (that's what dictators do).

His manifesto would bring the Netherlands to its knees economically - or will Henk and Ingrid be happy to toil in the fields all day picking crops and flowers for minimum wage? The man, and his party, are a joke: thank goodness that Henk-Public knows it.

By osita | April 23, 2010 3:37 PM

Oh I believe him! I really do. Mind you I also believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

By Jamie Anderson | April 23, 2010 3:56 PM

looks like a nazi manifesto, no more Poles eh, how many Poles fell defending NL in WW2 you ignorant horrid man

By adhd | April 23, 2010 4:36 PM

Mr.Geert Wilders Election Manifesto??? It should be called as 'Country and Society Destruction Manifesto, which is only based of narrow vision and narrow mindedness. This should be called an Anti Islam,anti Semitic,anti human, anti peace,anti solidarity,anti civilization,anti harmony,anti world and anti Netherlands Manifesto.

He is a messenger of hate,jealousy and prejudice.

By Khalid Ahmed Chaudry | April 23, 2010 5:08 PM

What a lot of sh*t.

Cal that a Manifesto! Every average Joe would be able to see how hollow these points are.

Lower Taxes-- yeah

10,000 more police officers-- paid from where and by whom?

No more work permits for Poles--- Try to stop this onece they are full fledged members of the EU.

No pension age increase --- You do not have a a choice.

I leave the other idiotic points as they are not worth even mentioning.

The only valid point which other parties also offer is "Fewer civil servants"..

By Saladin | April 23, 2010 5:21 PM

PVV's Manifesto is a joke. First of all, the party knows nothing about European law. In particular, since when do Poles need a work permit in Holland?

All the demands he is looking for, he has no idea where to get the money to finance it and he mention lower taxes?

I think he is a politician, apparently very shallow in IQ. Get real (Gordon Brown)

By Mike Koren | April 23, 2010 5:23 PM

If Wilders collects more votes, this will divide the Dutch society. There is already Nederlandse Moslim Partij which in my opinion will collect the votes of the scared muslims. And it will happen, that the country will depend on the balancing power of small extremist religious or ethnic motivated parties.

I think the only cure for such a situation is to ban parties with religious or ethnic platforms from the political life. It doesn't matter if they favor or reject given religion or ethnic group.

By George | April 23, 2010 5:41 PM

This program would make Hitler proud. Replace 'Islamic' with 'Jewish' and you get back in time 70 years.

By stingo | April 23, 2010 6:04 PM

Half of it is a good idea, the other half I dispute. Hence, where do we go from here?

By Vogon Poet | April 23, 2010 7:46 PM

At least GW is not hiding what he has in mind.

-Closure of all Islamic schools, ban on new mosques-

This is somewhat bothersome to me because it sets a precedent. It could eventually lead for example to closure of all Christian schools and a ban on places of worship of all kinds.

Question: Are Islamic schools expected to follow a nationally accepted curriculum?

By KenM | April 23, 2010 7:56 PM

Thats really amazing, the more i hear from this guy the more and more i know that he is soooo pethetic. What an agenda, if you look carefully the ones on the top of his brilliant agenda are all racist/facist/hitler-age ideas which he always adopted. the rest of the list is just to convince those potential voters (the superficial ones who don't read or think about details). Can you please tell me Mr Pethetic how can you solve the problems of the country if this is your poor agenda? How are you going to lower taxes and make us pay less and recruit more people as nurses and Police agents, i mean where are you going to get the money from?? and for God sake don't tell me it will come from banning Koran or from introducing a tax on headscarves (by the way what a brilliant idea..... :) )???????

By MMT | April 23, 2010 8:00 PM

The PVV needs a super-majority of its own or will never take government becuase no other party will soil themselves with a link. That, will never happen.

Just looking at the manifesto tells enough:

Bigoted stereotyping of a quarter of the world's population, they will by definition breach many of International Conventions.

Ethnic registration = classing people by race that was outlawed in Holland in 1945.

Deportation of foreigners who commit crimes .... or those that disagree with them perhaps?

Closure of all Islamic schools, ban on new mosques again discriminates as just as badly as those countries Wilders criticizes....great double standard there!

Ban the burqa yes, it has nothing to do with religon but Wilders says he is not against Muslims ....but the Koran is what a Muslim is - he knows it but it is illegal to say it...

No more development aid? That's great, be the only western nation to not be generous and give to the needy, a great Christian value that we Dutch are proud of.

Limit on refugee numbers of 1,000, and again destroy the reputation of our country.

No more work permits for Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians - aaah, again, the bitter second class name calling and selective decision against certain peoples and not others, including other EU nations.... the EU will never accept that.

As we can see, the manifesto is not that of a political party but a fringe radical "club", since we cannot really call the PVV a party - it has no democracy or choice within it.

Aparently the problem for Wilders and the PVV is that it is 70 odd years too late.

Fewer civil servants

No pension age increase

No change to mortgage tax relief

No cuts in unemployment benefit and student grants

No increase in healthcare own risk payment

10,000 more police officers and 10,000 more nurses

Lower taxes

By DvdH | April 24, 2010 12:14 AM

"No more work permits for Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians" -- how can this be legal? Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania are EU member states. It seems that although PVV thinks they are "ready to rule", they still haven't mastered the concept of the EU Constitution nor of the Dutch Constitution.

By AJ | April 24, 2010 5:34 AM

Is this manifesto is copied from German Nazi party??

By Mehmood | April 24, 2010 6:40 AM

CAn some one please explain to me why the Islamic faith and immigration are such a threat? The Netherlands is short of skilled labour yet this anti immigration party would deny the country skills and people based on creed and religon.

I would also argue that the average Polish worker will work harder for lower wages and usually with a higher level of skill that the average western worker, I say let our European neighbours in, free trade, free movement of people, goods and services.

By jdh | April 24, 2010 9:50 AM

First, no muslim and NOW, no Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians. The next move is, No European. It seems he is intentionally plunging The Netherlands into dark ages again.

By jerry | April 24, 2010 12:40 PM

Taking away foreigners Dutch nationality, closing their schools, banning their churches, and taxing their clothes of choice.

Nice Netherlanders - how much you've forgotten over the years.

Practically speaking - with lower taxes, who will pay for these 10,000 new 'law' enforcement officers? Something tells me the fashion police will come at the expense of nurses, students and the unemployed. What magic spell will Wilders weave to get regular Dutch men to do the work immigrants have carried out here for decades?

It also sounds a lot like a vision of the countries he's claiming to defend NL from becoming. This bleached-blond blowhard is simply using fear and hate to gain power.

He's also going to need a little square mustache to go along with the pompadour if he really tries to carry out any of this fascist B$ in a newly intolerant Netherlands.

By Prince Burnhard | April 24, 2010 9:51 PM

Very ambitious plan, meant to exclude a whole lot of non Dutch. Mr Wilder's plan does not show where he will get the money to fund all these programmes, and also where the much needed budget cuts will come from. The only budget cuts in his plan seem to be fewer civil servants. Who is going to fund lower taxes, no cuts in unemployment benefit, student grants, more police officers? The Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians do the jobs that the native Dutch people do not want to do.

By Elton | April 25, 2010 2:35 PM

Hey guys, forget about this poor guy named Geert Wilders. He wrote his manifesto after drinking and then copying from Hitler's manifesto with some minor editing.

He reminds me one of Mr.Bean's movie poster, which stated "He knows no danger, he knows no fear, He knows nothing". Let the poor Apotheek worker enjoy VIP status. That is what he is looking for......

By Jehanzeb Khan | April 26, 2010 8:06 AM

Thanks to Wilders' the dutch economy will be crippled. When so many people especially mothers working part-time here, skilled migrant labor (often harder workers who are willing to work for lower wages) will be dearly missed. Will native dutch be happy to take on these jobs then?

A country that expects other states to be respectful towards one another of universal human rights should not be stripping people's right to religious institutions. Tax on headscarves, come on cut out the jokes.

By kky | April 26, 2010 8:58 AM

What a nutcase! The netherlands has not learned of it´s nazi past and needs to be taken down and taught a lesson in the most severe way along with other far right xenophobic countries copying the Netherlands trend. Start by throwing them out of EU and out of Nato, then force sanctions on them so they can´t make one Euro outside of their own country. Force Dutch nationals that to remain in their own country for good! The only way to get a grip on all these hate groups is to hurt them financially by sanctions and giving them no membership to anything, not even trade. Weak politicians that claim to be left wing politicians but yet were too coward to counter PVV, should be punished along with PVV. All of the Netherlands politicians are weak cowards, no different then the weak cowards during world war 2 who turned a blind eye to the horrid treatment of the Jews.

By Sandra | April 26, 2010 9:34 AM

He is speaking to the "average dutch couple", whoever they are...

While his manifesto is bizarre, it is to the point and I would hope it would prompt the other parties come forward with a clear and applicable manifesto of their own. More tranparency in politics, as well as results. Know where your tax euro is going!

By AW | April 26, 2010 11:38 AM

This is a perfect example of how banning something thats bad just leads to more trouble later. By banning Mein Kampf in the Netherlands it has created a void for someone like Wilders to step in and fill it with his fascist right wing bollocks. Im not saying Mein Kampf is a good book but as everyone in here says Wilders manifesto reeks of Nazi party policy. And at least everyone knows what Mein Kampf is but Wilders now has the chance to remake it in a new form, which i see as astronomically dangerous.

By langer | April 26, 2010 1:02 PM

How would they implement "a tax on headscarves"? Is it based on the thread count, the fabric colour, how many centimeters, etc? Is there a lable that denotes an official Islamic headscraf or will there be a list of types of headscarves that would be tax-free like kerchief's, bandana's, babushka's, etc.? What about cancer patients using a head scarf after losing her hair due to Chemotherapy? THis must be a joke!

By Quest | April 26, 2010 1:06 PM

I often wondered that Q. In winter, I sometimes pull my scarf over my head against the wind and rain/sleet; I prefer the big square ones rather than a long thin ones. Would they charge me by the hour? What about when the wind blows it off my head around my neck, do I get a tax rebate? Or do I tick the 'non-muslim' box and then I don't have to declare my scarf usage for ol' Geert?

By osita | April 26, 2010 5:18 PM

you know what else make me sooo nervous?? its the fact that we, tax payers including myself, are paying the salary of that brilliant man to come up with such horrible ideas. Can anybody tell me if there is a way to avoid that situation, i mean paying him through my hard work??

By MMT | April 26, 2010 5:32 PM

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