(Othmar) Karas - Hoofdinhoud
Othmar Karas is a member of the European Parliament since 20 July 1999 for the "Österreichische Volkspartei", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Karas is elected on behalf of Austria.
Austria National political party
Österreichische Volkspartei
European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party Main functions and occupations
-Manager in the banking and insurance sector, from 1981 until 1995
-Assistant Secretary-General of Bundesländer Versicherung
-Federal president of the Union of Students, from 1976 until 1979
-President of the Austrian Aid Organisation, from 1998
-Member of the board of the Austrian Association of Graduates
-Member of the Land and federal executives of the Austrian Workers' and Employees' Association (ÖAAB)
-Lecturer at the University of Vienna (Department of Political Science), from 2007
-President of the Robert Schuman Institute, Budapest; Vice-President of the Robert Schuman Foundation
-Member of the national executive of the ÖVP, from 1981 until 1991
-Member of the Austrian Parliament, from 1983 until 1990
-Secretary-General of the ÖVP, from 1995 until 1999
-Member of the steering committee of the European Democratic Union (EDU), from 1995
-Vice-President of the European Parliament, from 2012
-member European Parliament, from 20 July 1999
-Chair of the ÖVP Europe Club, from 2011
-Political adviser to the ÖVP, from 1979 until 1980
-Vice-President of the Young European Christian-Democrats (EUJCD), from 1981 until 1990
-First Vice-Chairman of the Austrian Federal Youth Association, from 1980 until 1990
-Federal Chairman of the Young ÖVP, from 1981 until 1990
-EPP-ED Group spokesman on economic affairs, from 2002 until 2004
-Vice-President and Treasurer of the EPP-ED Group, from 2004 until 2011
-Speaker and facilitator of the cross-party Citizens' Forum on Europe, 2020
-Mag. phil., 1996
-Master of European and International Business Law (MBL) University of St Gallen, 1997
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