Fair Politics!

Met dank overgenomen van K.P. (Kati) Piri i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 april 2014, 3:28.

The Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS) today launched its fair politics Vote Match for the European elections. The organization compared the electoral programmes of all Dutch parties - looking to which extent the interests of developing countries have been taken into account. I must admit that the Green Party (Groen LInks) won the first prize, and the PvdA ended at a shared second place with the Socialist Party (SP). See here the results (mind you, red is not a good sign in this chart!):

Bron: Blog Kati Piri

But,…. although programmes are of course very important, the only thing more important is how things turn out in reality. And that’s why I am really proud that the S&D Group in the European Parliament won the prize for best promoter of fair politics during the last 5 years! The award was handed over to Kirsten Meijer, the international secretary of the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA).

kirsten arjen
Bron: Blog Kati Piri

It was good to hear that all parties present this afternoon committed themselves to promote fair politics at the European level. There is still a lot to fight for and I hope we can cooperate closely on this important topic during the coming five years!

fair politics
Bron: Blog Kati Piri