(Udo) Bullmann - Hoofdinhoud
Udo Bullmann is a member of the European Parliament since 20 July 1999 for the "Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands", which is aligned with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. Bullmann is elected on behalf of Germany.
Germany National political party
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
European Parliamentary Group
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Main functions and occupations
-assistant at the university of Giessen, from 1984 until 1996
-grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (German Research Association), from 1994 until 1997
-visiting research fellow in the department of government of the university of Strathclyde, from 1994 until 1998
-lecturer and Jean Monnet professor for studies of European integration at the university of Giessen, from 1998 until 1999
-member European Parliament, from 20 July 1999
-deputy chairman of the SPD delegation in the PSE Group, from 2003
-member of the party council of the SPD, from 2004
-chairman of Giessen Young Socialists, from 1980 until 1982
-land chairman of Hesse Young Socialists, from 1989 until 1991
-member of the Hesse executive of the SPD, from 1971
-studied politics, sociology, public law and economics. MA in political science, 1982
-dr. rer. soc. Universitat Giessen, 1988
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