ANNEXES to the proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956



Document date 17-02-2023
Publication date 18-02-2023
Reference 6539/23 ADD 4
External link original article
Original document in PDF



Council of the European Union

Brussels, 17 February 2023 (OR. en)


Interinstitutional File: ADD 1

2023/0042(COD) i

CLIMA 82 ENV 147 TRANS 63 MI 122 CODEC 208 IA 23


From: Secretary-General of the European Commission, signed by Ms Martine DEPREZ, Director

date of receipt: 15 February 2023

To: Ms Thérèse BLANCHET, Secretary-General of the Council of the

European Union

No. Cion doc.: COM(2023) 88 final i

Subject: ANNEXES to the proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU)

2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956

Delegations will find attached document COM(2023) 88 final i.

Encl.: COM(2023) 88 final i


Strasbourg, 14.2.2023 COM(2023) 88 final i

ANNEXES 1 to 2


to the


amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the COemission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting

obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956

{SEC(2023) 100 final} - {SWD(2023) 88 final} - {SWD(2023) 89 final} ANNEX I

Average specific emissions, average specific emission targets and excess emissions

  • 1. 

1.1. For the purposes of this Regulation a sub-group sg is defined for each new heavyduty vehicle.

1.1.1. For vehicles of category N the sub-group sg is defined as follows:

Vehicle group Vocational Cab type Engine Operational Vehicle subaccording to vehicle power range (OR) group (sg) Annex I to according attributed for Regulation to Article the purposes of

(EU) 2017/2400 3(9) of this this Regulation Regulation

53 No All 53

54 No All 54

1s No All 1s

1 No All 1

2 No All 2

3 No All 3

4 No All <170 kW All 4-UD

No Day cab ≥170 kW All 4-RD

No Sleeper ≥170 kW cab and <265 kW

No Sleeper ≥265 kW < 350 km cab

No Sleeper ≥265 kW ≥ 350 km 4-LH cab

9 No Day cab All All 9-RD

No Sleeper All < 350 km cab

No Sleeper All ≥ 350 km 9-LH cab

5 No Day cab All All 5-RD

No Sleeper < 265 kW cab

No Sleeper ≥ 265 kW < 350 km cab

No Sleeper ≥ 265 kW ≥ 350 km 5-LH cab

10 No Day cab All All 10-RD

No Sleeper All < 350 km cab

No Sleeper All ≥ 350 km 10-LH cab

11 No All 11

12 No All 12

16 No All 16

‘Sleeper cab’ means a type of cab that has a compartment behind the driver's seat intended to be used for sleeping as reported in accordance with Articles 13a and 13b.

’Day cab’ means a type of cab that is not a sleeper cab.

Where a new heavy-duty vehicle is attributed to sub-group 4-UD, but data on the

CO 2 emissions in g/km are not available for the UDL or UDR mission profiles as defined in point 2.1, Table 2 the new heavy-duty vehicle shall be attributed to the sub-group 4-RD

’Operational range’ means the distance a vehicle can travel under long haul transport conditions without being re-charged or re-filled, as provided for in point 1.3.

1.1.2. For vehicles of category M the sub-group sg is defined as follows:

Vehicle group pursuant to Vehicle sub-group (sg)

Annex I to Regulation attributed for the

(EU) 2017/2400 purposes of this


31a, 31d 31-LF

31b1 31-L1

31b2 31-L2

31c, 31e 31-DD

32a, 32b 32-C2

32c, 32d 32-C3

32e, 32f 32-DD

33a, 33d, 37a, 37d 33-LF

33b1, 37b1 33-L1

33b2, 37b2 33-L2

33c, 33e, 37c, 37e 33-DD

34a, 34b, 36a, 36b, 38a, 34-C2 38b, 40a, 40b

34c, 34d, 36c, 36d, 38c, 34-C3 38d, 40c, 40d

34e, 34f, 36e, 36f, 38e, 38f, 34-DD 40e, 40f

35a, 35b1, 35b2, 35c 35-FE

39a, 39b1, 39b2, 35c 39-FE

1.1.3. For vehicles of category O the sub-group sg is defined as follows:

Vehicle groups defined in Vehicle sub-group (sg)

Annex I of Regulation attributed for the

(EU) 2022/1362 purposes of this


All groups provided in Same as provided in Table 1 with 1, 2, 3 axles column “vehicle group” of the tables in Annex I to

All groups provided in Regulation (EU) Table 4 with 1, 2, 3 axles 2022/1362.

All groups provided in Table 6

1.2. Vocational vehicles are defined by the following criteria:

Vehicle category Chassis Criteria for vocational vehicles


N Rigid One of the following digits, as listed in Appendix 2 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2018/858, is used to supplement the code for bodywork indicated in entry 38 of the certificate of conformity:

09, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31;

Tractor Maximum speed not exceeding 79 km/h

1.3. Operational ranges for the purposes of this Regulation are set as follows:

Powertrain technology Operational range (OR)

Vehicles drawing energy for the OR = actual charge depleting range purpose of mechanical propulsion only as provided for by point 2.4.1 of part from an electrical energy or power I of Annex IV to Regulation (EU) storage device 2017/2400 for the LHR mission profile

Other technologies OR > 350 km

1.4. Definitions of mission profiles

RDL Regional delivery payload low

RDR Regional delivery payload representative

LHL Long haul payload low

LHR Long haul payload representative

UDL Urban delivery payload low UDR Urban delivery payload representative

REL Regional delivery (EMS) payload low

RER Regional delivery (EMS) payload representative

LEL Long haul (EMS) payload low

LER Long haul (EMS) payload representative

MUL Municipal utility payload low

MUR Municipal utility payload representative

COL Construction payload low

COR Construction payload representative

HPL Heavy urban, person transport, low load

HPR Heavy urban, person transport, representative load

UPL Urban, person transport, low load

UPR Urban, person transport, representative load

SPL Sub-urban, person transport, low load

SPR Sub-urban, person transport, representative load

IPL Inter-urban, person transport, low load

IPR Inter-uban, person transport, representative load

CPL Coach, person transport, low load

CPR Coach, person transport, representative load

  • 2. 

2.1. Calculation of the specific CO 2 emissions of a new heavy-duty vehicle

The specific emissions in g/km of a new heavy-duty vehicle v attributed to a subgroup

sg or of its primary vehicle shall be calculated in accordance with the

following formula:

𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 = ∑ 𝑊 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 × 𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝


𝐶𝑂2p 𝑣 = ∑ 𝑊 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 × 𝐶𝑂2p 𝑣,𝑚𝑝



∑ 𝑚𝑝 is the sum over all mission profiles mp listed in Table 2;

sg is the sub-group to which the new heavy-duty vehicle v has been attributed according to Section 1 of this Annex;

W sg,mp, is the mission profile weight specified in points 2.1.1 to 2.1.3;

CO2 v,mp is the CO 2 emissions in g/km of the new heavy-duty vehicle v determined for a mission profile mp, reported in accordance with Articles 13a and 13b and normalised pursuant to Annex III;

CO2p v,mp is the CO 2 emissions in g/km of the primary vehicle of the new heavyduty vehicle v, determined for a mission profile mp, reported in

accordance with Articles 13a and 13b;

For zero-emissions motor vehicles the values of CO2 v,mp and CO2p v,mp shall be set to 0.

2.1.1. Mission profile weights (W sg,mp ) for vehicles of category N

Vehicle Mission profile (mp)** subgroup



53 0,25 0,25 0 0 0,25 0,25 0 0 0 0 0

54 0,25 0,25 0 0 0,25 0,25 0 0 0 0 0

1s 0,1 0,3 0 0 0,18 0,42 0 0 0 0 0

1 0,1 0,3 0 0 0,18 0,42 0 0 0 0 0

2 0,125 0,375 0 0 0,15 0,35 0 0 0 0 0

3 0,125 0,375 0 0 0,15 0,35 0 0 0 0 0

4-UD 0 0 0 0 0,5 0,5 0 0 0 0 0

4-RD 0,45 0,45 0,05 0,05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4-LH 0,05 0,05 0,45 0,45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 5-RD 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5-LH 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,5 0,5

9-RD 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9-LH 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25

10-RD 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10-LH 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,5 0,5

11 0,15 0,35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,15 0,35

12 0,21 0,49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,09 0,21

16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,3 0,7

  • See definitions in point 1.1

 ** See definitions in point 1.4

2.1.2. Mission profile weights (Wsg,mp) for vehicles of category M

Vehicle Mission profile (mp)** subgroup


31-LF 0,27 0,23 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,11 0 0 0 0

31-L1 0,05 0,05 0,16 0,14 0,32 0,28 0 0 0 0

31-L2 0,05 0,05 0,09 0,08 0,15 0,13 0,24 0,21 0 0

31-DD 0,20 0,31 0,12 0,18 0,07 0,12 0 0 0 0

32-C2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,47 0,43 0,04 0,06

32-C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,05 0,05 0,30 0,60

32-DD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,05 0,05 0,35 0,55

33-LF 0,27 0,23 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,11 0 0 0 0

33-L1 0,05 0,05 0,16 0,14 0,32 0,28 0 0 0 0

33-L2 0,05 0,05 0,09 0,08 0,15 0,13 0,24 0,21 0 0

33-DD 0,20 0,31 0,12 0,18 0,07 0,12 0 0 0 0

34-C2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,47 0,43 0,04 0,06

34-C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,05 0,05 0,30 0,60

34-DD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,05 0,05 0,35 0,55

35-FE 0,27 0,23 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,11 0 0 0 0

39-FE 0,27 0,23 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,11 0 0 0 0

  • See definitions in point 1.1

 ** See definitions in poit 1.4

2.1.3. Mission profile weights (Wsg,mp) for vehicles of category O

Vehicle sub Mission profile (mp)** group


111, 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0 111V,112, 112V, 113

121, 121V, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 122, 122V, 123, 123V, 124, 124V, 125, 126

131, 131v, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 132, 132v, 133

421, 421v, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 422, 422v, 423

431, 431v, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 432, 432v, 433

611, 612 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0 611v, 612v 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0

621, 623 0,27 0,63 0,03 0,07 0 0 0

621V, 622, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 622V, 623V, 624, 624V, 625

631, 631v, 0,03 0,07 0,27 0,63 0 0 0 632, 632v, 633

  • See definitions in point 1.1

 ** See definitions in point 1.4

2.2. Average specific CO 2 emissions of all new heavy-duty vehicles in a sub-group

for a manufacturer

For each manufacturer and each reporting period, the average specific CO 2

emissions 𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 of all new heavy-duty vehicles in a sub-group sg or their

primary vehicles, if applicable, shall be calculated as follows:

2.2.1. For category N and O vehicles:

𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ 𝐶𝑂2 𝑉 (in g/tkm)

𝑠𝑔 × 𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔

2.2.2. For category M complete or completed vehicles:

𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ 𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 (𝑉 n g/pkm)

𝑠𝑔 − 𝑉𝑝𝑣 𝑠𝑔 )× 𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔

2.2.3. For category M primary vehicles of heavy-duty vehicles:

𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑝 ∑ 𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑣 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑉𝑝𝑣 (in g/pkm)

𝑠𝑔 × 𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔


∑ 𝑣 is the sum over all new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the

sub-group sg, subject to the provisions of Article 7b;

CO2 v is the specific CO 2 emissions of the new heavy-duty vehicle v

determined in accordance with point 2.1;

CO2p v is the specific CO 2 emissions of the primary vehicle of the new heavyduty vehicle v determined in accordance with point 2.1;

V sg is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in

subgroup sg;

Vpv sg the number of new heavy-duty vehicles within the sub-group sg, which pursuant to Article 7b shall be accounted for with the CO2 emissions

of their primary vehicles in the calculation of the average specific CO2 emissions of point 2.2.3.;

PL sg is the average payload of vehicles in the sub-group sg as determined in point 2.5.

PN sg is the average passenger number of vehicles in the sub-group sg as determined in point 2.5.

2.3. Calculation of the zero- and low-emission factor as referred to in Article 5

2.3.1 Reporting periods 2019 to 2024

For each manufacturer and reporting period from 2019 to 2024, the zero- and low-emission factor (ZLEV) referred to in Article 5 shall be calculated as follows:

ZLEV = V all / (V conv + V zlev ) with a minimum of 0,97


V all is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the sub-groups sg = 4-UD, 4-RD, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5-LH, 9-RD, 9-LH, 10-RD, 10-LH;

V conv is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the sub-groups sg = 4-UD, 4-RD, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5-LH, 9-RD, 9-LH, 10-RD, 10-LH excluding zero- and lowemission heavy-duty vehicles;

V zlev is the sum of Vin and Vout,


V in is ∑ v (1+ (1 – CO2 v /LET sg )) with ∑ v being the sum over all new zero- and low-emission heavyduty vehicles in the sub-groups sg = 4-UD, 4-RD, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5-LH, 9-RD, 9-LH, 10-RD, 10-LH;

CO2 v is the specific CO 2 emissions in g/km of a zero- and low-emission heavy-duty vehicle v determined in accordance with point 2.1.;

LET sg is the low-emission threshold of the sub-group sg to which the vehicle v belongs as defined in point 2.3.4;

V out is the total number of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, which are not in the sub-groups referred to by the definition of V in , and with a maximum of 1,5% of V conv .

2.3.2 Reporting periods from 2025 to 2029

For each manufacturer and reporting period, the zero- and low-emission factor (ZLEV) referred to in Article 5 shall be calculated as follows:

ZLEV = 1 - (y - x) unless this sum is larger than 1 or lower than 0.97 in which

case the ZLEV factor shall be set to 1 or 0.97 respectively


x is 0,02

y is the sum of V in and V out , divided by V total , where:

V in is the total number of newly registered low- and zero-emission heavyduty

vehicles in the sub-groups sg = 4-UD, 4-RD, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5-LH,

9-RD, 9-LH, 10-RD, 10-LH, where each of them is counted as

ZLEV specifi in accordance with the formula below:

ZLEV specific = 1 - (CO2 v / LET sg )


CO2 v is the specific CO 2 emissions in g/km of a zero- and lowemission heavy-duty vehicle v determined in accordance with point 2.1,

LET sg is the low-emission threshold of the sub-group sg to

which the vehicle v belongs as defined in point 2.3.4;

V out is the total number of newly registered zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, which are not in the sub-groups referred to by the definition of V in , and with a maximum of 0,035 of V total ;

V total is the total number of newly registered heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in that reporting period.

Where V in /V total is lower than 0,0075, the ZLEV factor shall be set to 1.

2.3.3 Reporting periods as from 2030

ZLEV = 1

2.3.4 Calculation of the low-emission threshold

The low-emission threshold LET sg of the sub-group sg is defined as follows:

LET sg = (rCO2 sg x PL sg ) / 2


rCO2 sg is the reference CO 2 emissions of the sub-group sg, as determined in point 3;

PL sg is the average payload of vehicles in the sub-group sg as determined in point 2.5.

2.4. Calculation of vehicle shares

For each manufacturer and each reporting period, the share of new heavy-duty vehicles in a sub-group share sg shall be calculated as follows:

𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑉 𝑠𝑔 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑉

For each manufacturer and each reporting period, the share of new zero-emissions heavy-duty vehicles in a sub-group zev sg shall be calculated as follows:

𝑧𝑒𝑣 𝑉𝑧𝑒𝑣 𝑠𝑔 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑉


For each manufacturer and each reporting period, the share of new heavy-duty vehicles within the sub-group sg, which pursuant to Article 7b shall be accounted for with the CO2 emissions of their primary vehicles in the calculation of the average specific CO2 emissions of point 2.2., shall be calculated as follows:

𝑝𝑣 𝑉𝑝𝑣 𝑠𝑔 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑉



Vzev sg is the number of new zero-emissions heavy-duty vehicles of the

manufacturer in a subgroup sg;

Vpv sg the number of new heavy-duty vehicles within the sub-group sg, which pursuant to Article 7b shall be accounted for with the CO2 emissions

of their primary vehicles in the calculation of the average specific CO2 emissions of point 2.2.;

V sg is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in a subgroup sg;

V is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer.

2.5. Payload values, passenger numbers and cargo volumes

The average payload value PL sg of a vehicle of category N or O in a sub-group sg

shall be calculated as follows:

𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ 𝑊 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 × 𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝


The average passenger number PN sg of a vehicle of category M in a sub-group sg

shall be calculated as follows:


𝑠𝑔 = ∑ 𝑊 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 × 𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝


Where, ∑ 𝑚𝑝 is the sum over all mission profiles mp W sg,mp, is the mission profile weight specified in points 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 PL sg,mp is the payload value attributed to the vehicles of category N and O in the sub-group sg for the mission profile mp, as defined in points 2.5.1 and 2.5.3. PN sg,mp is the passenger number attributed to the vehicles of category M in the sub-group sg for the mission profile mp, as defined in point 2.5.2.

2.5.1. Vehicles of category N.

Payload values PL sg, mp (in tons) are determined as follows:


sub Mission profile mp**




1s Not applicable Not applicable

1 As As determined

2 determined in As in point 3.1.1 point 3.1.1

determined in point 3.1.1

3 Not applicable

4-UD 0,9 4,4 1,9 14 0,9 4,4 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 0,6 3,0 0,9 4,4 4-RD



5-RD 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 2,6 12,9 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 n.a. n.a. 2,6 12,9 5-LH


9-RD 1,4 7,1 2,6 19,3 1,4 7,1 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 1,2 6,0 1,4 7,1 9-LH


10-RD 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 2,6 12,9 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 n.a. n.a. 2,6 12,9 10-LH


11 1,4 7,1 2,6 19,3 1,4 7,1 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 1,2 6,0 1,4 7,1

12 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 2,6 12,9 3,5 17,5 3,5 26,5 n.a. n.a. 2,6 12,9

16 Not applicable 2,6 12,9

  • See definitions in point 1.1

 ** See definitions in point 1.4

Technically permissible maximum payload values 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔 and cargo volumes

CV sg are determined according to point 3.1.1.

2.5.2. Vehicles of category M.

Passenger numbers PN sg,mp , passenger masses PM sg,mp and technically permissible maximum passenger numbers 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝑁

𝑠𝑔 for sub-group sg and mission profile mp

are determined according to point 3.1.1.

2.5.3. Vehicles of category O.

 Payload values PL sg, mp (in tons) are determined as follows:

Vehicle sub Mission profile (mp)** group


111, 1,5 7,5 1,5 11,2 n.a. n.a. n.a.

111V,112, 112V, 113

121, 121V, 2,2 11,2 2,2 16,8 n.a. n.a. n.a. 123, 123V, , 125

122, 122V, 2,4 12,2 2,4 18,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 124, 124V, 126

131, 131v, 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 132, 132v, 133

421, 421v, 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 422, 422v, 423

431, 431v, 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 432, 432v, 433

611, 612 1,2 6,1 1,2 9,2 n.a. n.a. n.a.

611v, 612v 1,2 6,1 1,2 9,2 n.a. n.a. n.a.

621, 621v, 1,3 6,3 1,3 9,5 n.a. n.a. n.a. 623, 623v

622, 622V, 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 624, 624V, 625

631, 631v, 2,6 12,9 2,6 19,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 632, 632v, 633

  • See definitions in point 1.1

 ** See definitions in point 1.4

Technically permissible maximum payload values 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔 and cargo volumes CV sg

are determined according to point 3.1.1.

2.6. Calculation of the mileage and payload or passenger-number weighting factor

The mileage and payload (passenger) weighting factor (MPW sg ) of a sub-group sg is defined as the product of the annual mileage specified in point 2.6.1 and the payload and passenger-number values for the sub-group specified in points 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 for vehicle categories N, M and O, respectively, normalised to the respective value for sub-group 5-LH, and shall be calculated as follows:

𝑀𝑃𝑊 𝑠𝑔 ×𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔 ) 𝑠𝑔 = (𝐴𝑀 (𝐴𝑀

5−𝐿𝐻 ×𝑃𝐿

          (for category N and O vehicles)

5−𝐿𝐻 )

𝑀𝑃𝑊 𝑠𝑔 = (𝐴𝑀 𝑠𝑔 ×𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔 ) (𝐴𝑀

5−𝐿𝐻 ×𝑃𝐿 5−𝐿𝐻 )

          (for category M vehicles)


AM sg is the annual mileage specified in point 2.6.1, 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 for the vehicles in the respective sub-group;

AM 5-LH is the annual mileage specified for the sub-group 5-LH in 2.6.1;

PL sg is as determined in points 2.5.1 and 2.5.3;

PN sg is as determined in point 2.5.2;

PL 5-LH is the average payload value for the sub-group 5-LH as determined in point 2.5.1.

2.6.1. Annual mileages for vehicles of category N

Vehicle Annual mileage AM sg sub(in km)


(sg)* 53 58 000 54 58 000 1s 58 000 1 58 000 2 60 000 3 60 000 4-UD 60 000 4-RD 78 000 4-LH 98 000 4v 60 000 5-RD 78 000 5-LH 116 000 5v 60 000 9-RD 73 000 9-LH 108 000 9v 60 000 10-RD 68 000 10-LH 107 000 10v 60 000 11 65 000 12 67 000 16 60 000

  • See definitions in point 1.1

2.6.2. Annual mileages for vehicles of category M

Vehicle sub Annual group mileage

(sg)* AM sg (in km)

31-LF 60 000

31-L1 60 000

31-L2 60 000

31-DD 60 000

32-C2 96 000

32-C3 96 000

32-DD 96 000

33-LF 60 000

33-L1 60 000

33-L2 60 000

33-DD 60 000

34-C2 96 000

34-C3 96 000 34-DD 96 000

35-FE 60 000

39-FE 60 000

  • See definitions in point 1.1

2.6.3. Annual mileages for vehicles of category O

Vehicle sub Annual group mileage

(sg)* AM sg (in km)

111, 52 000 111V,112, 112V, 113

121, 121V, 77 000 122, 122V, 123, 123V, 124, 124V, 125, 126, 131, 131v, 132, 132v, 133

421, 421v, 68 000 422, 422v, 423, 431, 431v, 432, 432v, 433

611, 612, 40 000 611v, 612v, 621, 623, 621v, 623v

622, 622V, 68 000 624, 624V, 625, 631, 631v, 632, 632v, 633

  • See definitions in point 1.1

2.7. Average specific CO 2 emissions of manufacturers, as referred to in Article 4

For each manufacturer the following average specific CO 2 emissions shall be calculated:

2.7.1. For the reporting peridods 2019 to 2029:

CO2(2025) = ZLEV × sg share sg × MPW sg × avgCO2 sg

2.7.2. For the reporting peridods as from 2025:

CO2(NO) = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × avgCO2 sg CO2(MCO2) = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × [avgCO2 sg × (1 - pv sg ) + avgCO2p sg × pv sg ]

CO2(MZE) = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × (1 - zev sg ) × rCO2 sg

CO2(M) = CO2(MCO2) + CO2(MZE)


sg is the sum is over those sub-groups that are included in the calculation of the particular average specific CO 2 emissions according to point 4.2;

ZLEV is as determined in point 2.3;

share sg is as determined in point 2.4; zev sg is as determined in point 2.4; pv sg is as determined in point 2.4; MPW sg is as determined in point 2.6; avgCO2 sg is as determined in point 2.2; avgCO2p sg is as determined in point 2.2; rCO2 sg is as determined in point 3.1.2.

  • 3. 

3.1. Reference values

The following reference values shall be calculated on the basis of all new heavyduty vehicles of all manufacturers for the reference period applicable to the subgroup sg according to point 3.2.

3.1.1. For each vehicle sub-group sg, payload PL sg,mp , passenger number PN sg,mp , passenger mass PM sg,mp , technically permissible maximum payload maxPL sg , technically permissible maximum passenger number maxPN sg and cargo volume CV sg values shall be cacluclated as follows:

𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 = ∑ 𝑃𝐿 𝑣 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category N)*


𝑃𝑁 ∑ 𝑃𝑁 𝑣 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 = 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category M)*


𝑃𝑀 𝑣 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 = ∑ 𝑃𝑀 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category M)*


𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝐿 ∑ 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝐿 𝑣 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = (for vehicles of category N) 𝑟𝑉


𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝑁 ∑ 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑃𝑁 𝑣 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category M)


𝐶𝑉 ∑ 𝐶𝑉 𝑣 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 = 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category O)


(*only for vehicle sub-groups, for which no explicit values for 𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 or 𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝

are provided in point 2.5)

3.1.2. Reference CO 2 emissions 𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 referred to in Article 3 shall be caclulated as


𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 𝑣 /𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔 ) 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ (𝐶𝑂2 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category N and O)


𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 𝑠𝑔 ) 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ (𝐶𝑂2 𝑣 /𝑃𝑁 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category M)


𝑟𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑣 𝑣 /𝑃𝑁 𝑠𝑔 ) 𝑠𝑔 = ∑ (𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑟𝑉 (for vehicles of category M)



𝑣 is the sum over all new heavy-duty vehicles in the sub-group sg

registered in the reference period applicable to sg acording to point 3.2;

CO2 v are the specific CO 2 emissions of the new heavy-duty vehicle v as determined in accordance with point 2.1, if applicable adjusted

pursuant to Annex II;

CO2p v are the specific CO 2 emissions of the primary vehicle of the new-heavy duty vehicle v as determined in accordance with point 2.1, if applicable adjusted pursuant to Annex II;;

rV sg is the number of all new heavy-duty vehicles in the sub-group sg

registered in the reference period applicable to sg acording to point 3.2;

PL sg is the average payload of vehicles in the sub-group sg as determined in point 2.5;

PN sg is the average passenger number of vehicles in the sub-group sg as determined in point 2.5;

PL v,mp is the payload of vehicle v in the mission profile mp, as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b ;

PN v,mp is the passenger number of vehicle v in the mission profile mp as

determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

PM v,mp is the passenger mass of vehicle v in the mission profile mp as

determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

maxPL v is the technically permissible maximum payload of vehicle v as

determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

maxPN v is the technically permissible maximum passenger number of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and


CV v is the cargo volume of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b.

3.2. Reference periods applicable to sub-groups

The following reporting periods shall be applied as reference periods to vehicle subgroups:

Vehicle sub-group sg Reporting period of the year applicable as reference period

4-UD, 4-RD, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5-LH, 9-RD, 9-LH, 10-RD, 10-LH 2019

All others 2025

3.2.1. If in the reference period as specified in point 3.2 in a sub-group sg the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of all manufacturers is less than 50 the following rules shall apply:

The average specific CO2 emissions 𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 and 𝑎𝑣𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑠𝑔 as provided for in point 2.2 and the reference CO2 emissions 𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 and 𝑟𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑠𝑔 as provided for in

point 3.1.2 shall be set to “0” for all manufacturers in the sub-group sg for the purpose of calculating the average specific CO2 emissions according to point 2.7 and the specific CO2 emissions targets according to point 4.1 for the reporting periods of the years < Y + 5. Here Y is the year of the first reporting period in which the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of all manufacturers in the sub-group sg is at

least 50.

To obtain the reference CO2 emissions 𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 and 𝑟𝐶𝑂2𝑝 𝑠𝑔 for the purpose of

calculating the specific emissions target according to point 4, first the corresponding entities provided for in point 3.1.2 shall be calculated for the reporting period of the year Y instead of for the reference period applicable to the sub-group sg according to

point 3.2.

The resulting values shall then be divided by

‒ the target factor RET sg,Y , as defined in point 5.1.1, for obtaining reference

CO2 emissions 𝑟𝐶𝑂2 𝑠𝑔 ,

‒ the target factor RETp sg,Y , as defined in point 5.1.1, for obtaining reference CO2 emissions 𝑟𝐶𝑂2𝑝

𝑠𝑔 .

  • 4. 


4.1. Specific emission targets

For each manufacturer the following specific emission targets T shall be calculated

as follows:

4.1.1. For the reporting periods of the years from 2025 to 2029:

T(2025) = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × (1 - rf sg ) × r CO2 sg

4.1.2. For the reporting periods of the years as from 2030:

T(NO)= ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × (1 - rf sg ) × r CO2 sg

T(MCO2) = sg share sg × MPW sg × [(1- pv sg ) × (1 - rf sg ) × r CO2 sg + pv sg × (1 - rfp sg ) × r CO2p sg ]

T(MZE) = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × (1 - zevM sg ) x rCO2 sg

T(M) = T(MCO2) + T(MZE)


sg is the sum over those sub-groups that are inclued in the calculation of the particular specific emissions target according to point 4.2;

share sg is as determined in point 2.4; MPW sg is as determined point 2.6; rf sg is the CO 2 reduction target applicable in the specific reporting period to new heavy dutyvehicles in sub-group sg as provided for in point 4.3; rfp sg is the CO 2 reduction target applicable in the specific reporting period to primary vehicles of new heavy-duty vehicles in subgroup sg as provided for in point 4.3;

zevM sg is the zero-emission vehicles mandate applicable in the specific reporting period to vehicles in sub-group sg as provided for in point 4.3;

rCO2 sg is as determined in point 3.1.2; rCO2p sg is as determined in point 3.1.2; pv sg is as determined in point 2.4.

4.2. Vehicle sub-groups included in the calculation of average specific CO 2 emissions and specific emissions targets of manufacturers

The following sub-groups sg shall be included in the calculation of the specific CO 2 emissions CO2(X), , specific emissions targets T(X) and CO2 emissions trajectory ET(X) Y :

X = 2025 X= NO X = MCO2 X= MZE

vehicle subsub-groups of sub-groups of sub-groups of groups, transport of transport of transport of subject to CO 2 goods vehicles, persons persons emissions subject to CO 2 vehicles, vehicles, targets emissions subject to CO 2 subject to according to targets emissions zero-emissions Article 3a according to targets vehicle targets paragraph 1 Article 3a according to according to (a) paragraphs Article 3a Article 3b 1(b), 1(c) and paragraphs 1(d) and 1(b), 1(c) and paragraph 3 1(d)

4-UD, 4-RD, All vehicle 32-C2, 32-C3, 31-LF, 31-L1, 4-LH, 5-RD, 5- sub-groups 32-DD, 34-C2, 31-L2, 31-DD, LH, 9-RD, 9- referred to in 34-C3, 34-DD, 33-LF, 33-L1, LH, 10-RD, points 1.1.1 33-L2, 33-DD, 10-LH and 1.1.3. 35-FE, 39-FE

4.3. CO 2 reduction targets and zero-emissions vehicle mandates

4.3.1. The following CO 2 emissions reduction targets rf sg and rfp sg pursuant to Article 3a

shall apply to vehicles in the sub-group sg for different reporting periods:

CO 2 reduction targets rf sg and rfp sg

Reporting period of the years

  • s


S ub group 2025 – 2029 2030 – 2034 2035 – 2039 As from 2040

Medium lorries 53, 54 0 43% 64% 90%

Heavy lorries > 7,4t 1s, 1, 2, 3 0 43% 64% 90%

Heavy lorries > 16 t 4-UD, 4-RD, 15% with 4x2 and 6x4 4-LH, 5-RD, axle configurations 5-LH, 9-RD, 43% 64% 90%

9-LH, 10- RD, 10-LH

Heavy lorries > 16 t 11, 12, 16 0 with special axle 43% 64% 90% configurations

Coaches (rf sg ) 32-C2, 32- 0

C3, 32-DD,

34-C2, 34- 43% 64% 90%

C3, 34-DD

Primary vehicles of 32-C2, 32- 0

coaches (rfp sg ) C3, 32-DD, 43% 64% 90%

34-C2, 34-

C3, 34-DD

Trailers 0 7,5% 7,5% 7,5%

Semi-trailers 0 15% 15% 15%

For reporting periods of the years before 2025, all CO 2 reduction targets rf sg and rfp sg shall be 0.

4.3.2. The following zero-emission vehicle targets zevM sg pursuant to Article 3b are applicable to vehicles in the sub-group sg for different reporting periods:

Zero-emission vehicle mandates zevM sg

s Reporting period of the years

-group sg before 2030 2030 – 2034 2035 – 2039 As from

S ub 2040

Urban heavy 31-LF, 31-L1, 0 100% 100% 100% buses 31-DD, 33-LF, 33-L1, 33-DD, 35-FE, 39-FE, 31-L2, 33-L2

  • 5. 

5.1. CO 2 emissions reduction trajectories

5.1.1. Target factors

For each vehicle sub-group sg and reporting period of a year Y target factors shall be defined

as follows:

RET sg,Y = (1-rf sg,uY ) +( rf sg,uY - rf sg,lY ) × (uY – Y)/(uY – lY)

RETp sg,Y = (1-rfp sg,uY ) +( rfp sg,uY - rfp sg,lY ) × (uY – Y)/(uY – lY)

ZET sg,Y = (1-zevM sg,uY ) +( zevM sg,uY - zevM sg,lY ) × (uY – Y)/(uY – lY)


lY, uY are the values for the lower year and upper year in the set {rY, 2025, 2030, 2040} defining the smallest intervall for which the condition lY ≤ Y < uY holds;

rY is the year of the reference period applicable to the vehicle sub-group sg according to point 3.2;

rf sg,lY , rf sg,uY are the CO2 reduction targets of the sub-group sg for new heavy duty

vehiches of the years lY and uY according to point 4.3;

rfp sg,lY , rfp sg,uY are the CO2 reduction targets of the sub-group sg for primary vehicles

of new heavy duty vehiches of the years lY and uY according to point


zevM sg,lY , zevM sg,uY are the zero emissions vehicle mandates for new heavy duty vehiches

of the years lY and uY according to point 4.3;

For reporting years Y < rY, the values of RET sg,Y , RETp sg,Y and ZET sg,Y shall be set to 1 such that there is no contribution of the vehicle sub-group sg to the CO2 emissions trajectory.

5.1.2. CO 2 emissions reduction trajectories Then for each vehicle sub-group sg and reporting period of a year Y the following

CO 2 emissions reduction trajectories shall be defined:

ET sg,Y = RET sg,Y × rCO2 sg

ETp sg,Y = RETp sg,Y × rCO2p sg

ETz sg,Y = ZET sg,Y × r CO2 sg For each manufacturer and reporting periods of a year Y between 2019 and 2024 the

following CO 2 emissions reduction trajectories shall be defined:

ET(2025) Y = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × ET sg,Y For each manufacturer and reporting periods of a year Y between 2025 and 2040 the following CO 2 emissions reduction trajectories shall be defined:

ET(NO) Y = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × ET sg,Y

ET(MCO2) Y = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × [(1- pv sg ) × ET sg,Y + pv sg × ETp sg,Y ]

ET(MZE) Y = ∑ sg share sg × MPW sg × ETz sg,Y

ET(M) Y = ET(MCO2) Y + ET(MZE) Y


sg is the sum over those sub-groups that are inclued in the calculation of the particular CO2 emissions trajectory according to point 4.2;

share sg is the share of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the sub-group sg, as

determined in point 2.4;

MPW sg is as determined point 2.6; rCO2 sg is as determined in point 3.1.2; rCO2p sg is as determined in point 3.1.2; pv sg is the share of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer within the subgroup

sg, which pursuant to Article 7b shall be accounted for with the CO 2 emissions of their primary vehicles in the calculation of the average specific CO2 emissions of point 2.2

5.2. Calculation of the emission credits and debts in each reporting period

For each manufacturer and each reporting period of the years Y from 2019 to 2040 the emission credits cCO2(X) Y and emission debts dCO2(X) Y , (X = NO, M), shall be the maximum of the following values and 0 (i.e. emission credits and debts cannot be negative):

2019 ≤ Y< 2025 2025 ≤ Y< 2030 2030 ≤ Y< 2040

cCO2(NO) Y [ET(2025) Y [ET(NO) Y – CO2(NO) Y [ET(NO) Y – CO2(NO) Y CO2(2025) Y ]× V y V y V y

dCO2(NO) Y 0 [CO2(2025) Y T(2025) Y ]× [CO2(NO) Y T(NO) Y V y V y

cCO2(M) Y 0 [ET(M) Y – CO2(M) Y ]× V y [ET(M) Y – CO2(M) Y ]× V y

dCO2(M) Y 0 0 [CO2(M) Y T(M) Y V y


ET(X) Y is the manufacturer’s emission trajectory in the reporting period of the year Y

determined in accordance with point 5.1 (X = 2025, NO, M);

CO2(X) Y is the manufacturer’s average specific emissions in the reporting period of the year Y determined in accordance with point 2.7 (X = 2025, NO, M);

T(X) Y is the manufacturer’s specific emission target in the reporting period of the year Y determined in accordance with point 4 (X = 2025, NO, M);

V Y is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the reporting period of the year Y.

5.3. Emission debt limit

For each manufacturer the emission debt limits limCO2(X) Y in a reporting period of the year Y are defined as follows:

limCO2(NO) Y = T(2025) Y × 0,05 × V(2025) Y for the reporting periods of the year Y < 2030;

limCO2(NO) Y = T(NO) Y × 0,05 × V(NO) Y for the reporting periods of the year Y ≥ 2030;

limCO2(M) Y = T(M) Y × 0,05 × V(M) Y for the reporting periods of the year Y ≥ 2030.


T(X) Y is the manufacturer’s specific emission target in the reporting period of the year Y determined in accordance with point 4 (X = 2025, NO, M);

V(X) Y is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the reporting period of the year Y in the vehicle sub-groups, which are included int the

caclulation of the specific CO 2 emissions CO2(X) according to point 4.2 (X = 2025, NO, M).

5.4. Early emission credits

Emission debts acquired for the reporting periods of the year 2025 shall be reduced by an amount corresponding to the emission credits acquired prior to this reporting period, which is determined for each manufacturer as follows:

redCO2 = min(dCO2(NO) 2025 ; ∑ 2024 𝑌=2019 cCO2(NO) Y )


min is the minimum of the two values mentioned between the brackets;

∑ 2024 𝑌=2019 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years Y from 2019

to 2024;

dCO2(NO) Y is the emission debts for reporting period of the year Y as determined in accordance with point 5.2;

cCO2(NO) Y is the emission credits for the reporting period of the year Y as determined in accordance with point 5.2;.

  • 6. 

    A RTICLE 8(2)

For each manufacturer and each reporting period of the year Y from the year 2025 onwards the value of the vehicle category specific excess CO2 emissions exeCO2(X) Y shall be determined as follows. if the value is positive (X = NO, M). If the following calculations result in a negative value for exeCO2(X) Y , the latter shall be set to 0.

For the reporting period of the year 2025:

exeCO2(NO) 2025 = dCO2(NO) 2025 - ∑ 2024 𝑌=2019 cCO2(NO) Y - limCO2(NO) 2025

For the reporting periods of the years Y from 2026 to 2028, from 2030 to 2033 and from

2035 to 2038:

exeCO2(NO) y = ∑ 𝑌 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(NO) I - cCO2(NO) I ) -

∑ 𝑌−1 𝐽=2025 exeCO2(NO) J - redCO2 - limCO2(NO) Y

For the reporting periods of the years Y from from 2030 to 2033 and from 2035 to 2038:

exeCO2(M) y = ∑ 𝑌 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(M) I - cCO2(M) I ) -

∑ 𝑌−1 𝐽=2030 exeCO2(M) J - limCO2(M) Y

For the reporting period of the years Y = 2029, 2034 and 2039:

exeCO2(NO) Y = ∑ 𝑌 𝑌−1 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(NO) I - cCO2(NO) I ) - ∑ 𝐽=2025 exeCO2(NO) J - redCO2

For the reporting period of the years Y = 2034 and 2039:

exeCO2(M) Y = ∑ 𝑌 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(M) I - cCO2(M) I ) - ∑ 𝑌−1 𝐽=2030 exeCO2(M) J

For the reporting periods of the year 2040:

exeCO2(NO) 2040 = (CO2(NO) 2040 – T(NO) 2040 ) × V 2040 +

∑ 2039 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(NO) I - cCO2(NO) I ) - ∑ 2039 𝐽=2025 exeCO2(NO) J - redCO

exeCO2(M) 2040 = (CO2(M) 2040 – T(M) 2040 ) × V 2040 +

∑ 2039 𝐼=2025 (dCO2(M) I - cCO2(M) I ) - ∑ 2039 𝐽=2030 exeCO2(M) J

For the reporting periods of the years Y > 2040:

exeCO2(NO) Y = (CO2(NO) Y – T(NO) Y ) × V Y

exeCO2(M) Y = (CO2(M) Y – T(M) Y ) × V Y


∑ 2024 𝑌=2019 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years Y from 2019

to 2024;

∑ 𝑌 𝐼=2025 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years I from

2025 to the year Y;

∑ 𝑌−1 𝐽=2025 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years J from

2025 to the year (Y-1);

∑ 2039 𝐼=2025 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years I from

2025 to 2039;

∑ 𝑌−1 𝐽=2030 is the sum over the reporting periods of the years J from

2030 to the year (Y-1); dCO2(X) Y is the emission debts for the reporting period of the year

Y as determined in accordance with point 5.2 (X = NO, M);

cCO2(X) Y is the emission credits for the reporting period of the year Y as determined in accordance with point 5.2 (X = NO, M);

limCO2(X) Y is the emission debt limit as determined in accordance with point 5.3 (X = NO, M);

redCO2(X) is the reduction of emission debts of the reporting period of the year 2025 as determined in accordance with 5.4 (X =

NO, M).

In all other cases the value of the excess emissions exeCO2(X) Y shall be set to 0 (X = NO, M).

The excess CO2 emissions of the reporting period of the year Y as referred to in Article 8(2) shall be:

exeCO2 Y = exeCO2(NO) Y + exeCO2(M) Y


Adjustment procedures referred to in Article 11

  • 1. 

Following an amendment of the type approval procedures referred to in Article 11(2), the reference CO 2 emissions referred to in Point 3.1.2 of Annex I shall be recalculated.

For this purpose the CO 2 emissions in g/km of new heavy-duty vehicles v of the reference period and of their primary vehicles determined for a mission profile mp, as referred to in point 2.1 of Annex I, shall be adjusted as follows:

CO2 v,mp = CO2(RP) v,mp(∑ r s r,sgCO2 r,mp )/ (∑ r s r,sgCO2(RP) r,mp )

CO2p v,mp = CO2p(RP) v,mp(∑ r s r,sgCO2p r,mp )/ (∑ r s r,sgCO2p(RP) r,mp )


r is the sum over all representative vehicles r for the subgroup sg;

sg is the sub-group to which the vehicle v belongs;

s r,sg is the statistical weight of the representative vehicle r

in the sub-group sg;

CO2(RP) v,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of vehicle v in g/km, as determined on mission profile mp and based on the

monitoring data of the reference period;

CO2(RP) r,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of the representative vehicle r in g/km, as determined on mission profile mp in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 i and its implementing measures as it was applied in the reference period;

CO2 r,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of the representative vehicle r, as determined on mission profile mp in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 i and its implementing measures according to the amendments referred to in Article 11(3)(a);

CO2p(RP) v,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of the primary vehicle of the heavy-duty vehicle v in g/km, as determined on

mission profile mp and based on the monitoring data of the reference period;

CO2p(RP) r,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of the primary vehicle of the representative vehicle r in g/km, as determined in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 i and its implementing measures as it was applied in the

reference period;

CO2p r,mp is the specific CO 2 emissions of the primary vehicle of the representative vehicle r, as determined on mission profile mp in accordance with Regulation (EC) No

595/2009 and its implementing measures according to the amendments referred to in Article 11(3)(a).

The specific CO 2 emissions shall be normalised pursuant to Annex III using those values for the parameters referred to in Article 14(1), point (f), that are applicable in the reporting period referred to in Article 11(2), point (a).

The representative vehicles shall be defined in accordance with the methodology referred to in Article 11(3).

  • 2. 

If in the reporting period of the year Y the specific CO2 emissions of some new heavy-duty vehicles of a manufacturer have been determined with amendments referred to in Article 11(2), the reference CO2 emissions rCO sg of the vehicle sub-group sg used in points 4 and 5.1 of Annex I shall be calculated as follows:

rCO2 sg = ∑ ,i V sg,i /V sg x rCO2 sg,,i


,i is the sum over

  • for i = 1: the non-amended procedure for determining the CO2 emissions, for which the initial reference CO2 emissions without adjustments are applicable and
  • for i ≥ 1: all subsequent amendments referred to in Article 11(2).

V sg is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the reporting period of the year Y and the vehicle sub-group sg;

V sg,i is the number of new heavy-duty vehicles of the manufacturer in the reporting period of the year Y and in the vehicle sub-group sg, the specific CO2 emissions of which have been determined with the amendment i;

rCO2 sg,i are:

  • for i = 0: the non-adjusted reference CO2 emissions - for i ≥ 1: the reference CO2 emissions that have been determined for the vehicle sub-group sg with the amendment i.


Normalisation of specific CO 2 emissions of new heavy-duty vehicles referred to in

Article 4

  • 1. 

For the purposes of the caclulation in point 2.1 of Annex I, , the values of CO 2 emissions

𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 of vehicles are normalised as follow:

𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 = 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 + 𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚) + 𝛥𝐶𝑂2cv 𝑣,𝑚𝑝

m = 𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 - PL v,mp + cCW v (for vehicles of categories N and O)

m = 𝑃𝑀

𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 - PM v,mp + cCW v (for vehicles of category M)


𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 are the normalised CO 2 emissions of the vehicle v determined for a

mission profile mp that are to be considered in the calculation of Annex I point 2.1;

𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 are the CO 2 emissions in g/km of the primary vehicle of a new heavyduty

vehicle v determined for a mission profile mp and reported in accordance with Articles 13a and 13b;

𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚) is to be determined in accordance with point 3;

𝛥𝐶𝑂2cv 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 is to be determined in accordance with point 4;

PL v,mp is the payload of vehicle v in the mission profile mp, as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b ;

𝑃𝐿 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 is the payload for sub-group sg and mission profile mp as provided for

in point 2.5 of Annex I;

PM v,mp is the passenger mass of vehicle v in the mission profile mp, as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

𝑃𝑀 𝑠𝑔,𝑚𝑝 is the passenger mass for sub-group sg and mission profile mp as

provided for in point 2.5 of Annex I;

cCW v is the correction of the curb weight of the vehicle v according to point 2.

  • 2. 

Since the transport utility of a vehicle increases with its technically permissible maximum payload or passenger number, but for technical reasons higher values for these parameters are correlated with higher curb weights and therefore higher CO 2 emissions, the following correction of the curb weight of a vehicle v in sub-group sg for the purpose of the normalisation of its specific CO2 emissions according to point 1 shall be applied:

cCW v = a sg · (maxPL sg - maxPL v ) for vehicles of category N and O; cCW v = a sg · (maxPN sg - maxPN v ) for vehicles of category M;


a sg is a linear coefficient determined according to point 2.1 for the reporting period of the vehicle v;

maxPL v is the technically permissible maximum payload of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

maxPN v is the technically permissible maximum passenger number of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

maxPL sg is the technically permissible maximum payload of vehicle sub-group sg determined according to point 2.5 of Annex I;

maxPN sg is the technically permissible maximum passenger number of vehicle subgroup sg determined according to point 2.5 of Annex I.

2.1. Determination of normalisation parameters

For each reporting period the parameters a sg and b sg shall be determined with a linear regression analysis of the correlation of the values of CW v with the values of maxPL v (category N and O vehicles) and maxPN v (category M vehicles), considering all newly registered vehicles v in the sub-group sg:

CW va sg · maxPL v + b sg for vehicles of category N and O;

CW va sg · maxPN v + b sg for vehicles of category M.


CW v is the curb weight of vehicle v, as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b; if no precise value is available it may be approximated by the corrected actual mass of the vehicle v

maxPL v is the technically permissible maximum payload of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

maxPN v is the technically permissible maximum passenger number of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;.

  • 3. 

The ex-post change of CO 2 emissions of a vehicle v to be determined for a mission profile mp due to an ex-post change in the total mass to be attributed to the vehicle for the determination of CO 2 emissions is defined by the following linear approximation:

𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚) = m · (𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑟 - 𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑙 ) / (Mr – Ml)


m is the change of total mass attributed to the vehicle v for the

determination of its CO 2 emissions;

𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑟 are the CO 2 emissions of the vehicle v in g/km, without

the change of mass, determined for the same mission profile mp, representative loading conditions;

𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,l are the CO 2 emissions of the vehicle v in g/km, without

the change of mass, determined for the same mission profile mp, low loading conditions;

Mr is the total vehicle mass in simulation, without the change of mass, for the same mission profile mp, representative loading conditions;

Ml is the total vehicle mass in simulation, without the change of mass, for the same mission profile mp, low loading conditions.

  • 4. 

Category O vehicles within the same sub-group have different cargo volumes. Since the transport utility of a vehicle increases with the cargo volume, but for technical reasons such increase is also correlated with higher CO 2 emissions, the following correction of the CO 2 emissions of a vehicle v in sub-group sg shall be applied:

𝛥𝐶𝑂2cv 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 = a sg,mp · (CV sg - CV v )


a sg,mp is a linear coefficient determined according to point 4.1 for the reporting period of the vehicle v;

CV v is the cargo volume of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

CV sg is the cargo volume of vehicle sub-group sg determined according to point 2.5 of Annex I.

For vehicle of categories N and M the correction of CO 2 emissions 𝛥𝐶𝑂2cv 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 shall be 0.

4.1. Determination of normalisation parameters

For each reporting period and mission profile the parameters a sg,mp and b sg,mp shall be determined with a linear regression analysis of the correlation of the values of

[𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 + 𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚)] with the values of CV v , considering all newly registered

vehicles v in the sub-group sg:

𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 + 𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚) ≈ a sg,mp · CV v + b sg,mp


CV v is the cargo volume of vehicle v as determined from the data reported according to Articles 13a and 13b;

𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 , 𝛥𝐶𝑂2 𝑣,𝑚𝑝 (𝑚) are as defined in point 1.’



Rules on data to be monitored and reported as referred to in Articles 13a and 13b


(a) vehicle identification numbers of all new heavy-duty vehicles as referred to in Article 2 that are registered in the Member State territory;

(b) manufacturer name;

(c) make (trade name of manufacturer);

(d) the code for the bodywork as specified in entry 38 of the certificate of conformity, including, where applicable, the supplementing digits referred to in Annex I Appendix 2 to Regulation (EU) 2018/858;

(e) in the case of the heavy-duty vehicles referred to in Article 2, first paragraph, point (a) or (b), the information on the powerplant specified in entries 23, 23.1 and 26 of the

certificate of conformity;

(f) the maximum speed of the vehicle as specified in entry 29 of the certificate of conformity;

(g) the stage of completion, as indicated in the chosen model of the certificate of conformity in accordance with Annex VIII, point 2 to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/683;

(h) the vehicle category as specified in entry 0.4 of the certificate of conformity;

(i) the number of axles, as specified in entry 1 of the certificate of conformity;

(j) the technically permissible maximum laden mass, as specified in entry 16.1 of the certificate of conformity;

(k) the imprint of the cryptographic hash of the manufacturer’s records file as specified in entry 49.1 of the certificate of conformity; for vehicles registered until 30 June 2025

Member States may report only the first 8 characters of the cryptographic hash;

(l) the specific CO2 emissions as specified in entry 49.5 of the certificate of conformity; (m) the average payload value as specified in entry 49.6 of the certificate of conformity; (n) the date of registration;

(o) for special purpose vehicles their designation as specified in entry 51 of the certificate of conformity;

(p) for vehicles approved under Article 2(3)(b) of Regulation 2018/858, the information that the vehicle was designed and constructed or adapted for use by civil protection fire services and forces responsible for maintaining public order;

(q) for vehicles registered for use by civil protection, fire services or forces responsible for maintaining public order or for use by the armed services, the confirmation that the vehicle is registered for use by civil protection, fire services or forces responsible for maintaining public order or for use by the armed services and that it fulfils the conditions set out in Article 2 paragraph 5 of this Regulation. For all vehicles including individually approved vehicles, the corresponding information shall be the information as to be provided in the EU certificate of conformity or EU individual vehicle approval certificate or the national individual approval certificate in accordance with the templates laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/683 1 regardless of any national exemptions applicable under Article 45(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/858.


In accordance with Article 13b, each reporter shall report the following data for those vehicles, for which it is obliged to produce a Manufacturer’s Records File (MRF) or Vehicle Information File (VIF) according to the provisions of Regulations 2017/2400 (EU) and

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1362 2 .

For vehicles referred to in Part A, points (p) and (q) of Annex IV the manufacturer referred to in Article 7a shall also inform the Commission in accordance with Article 2(4) and (5), if the vehicle which would otherwise be exempted from the obligations laid down in Article 3a, shall not be exempted from those obligations.

Vehicle Reporters categories

  • / 
    sub Primary vehicle Interim vehicle Vehicle Designated

groups 3 manufacturer (1) manufacturer (2) manufacturer technical service (8)

N / all Not applicable Not applicable ‒ MRF (4) Not applicable ‒ Additional


M / all ‒ VIF (4) (5) Not applicable ‒ VIF (4) (7) Not applicable ‒ MRF (4) (6) ‒ MRF (4) (7)

‒ Additional information* ‒ Additional of the primary vehicle. information*

of the complete or completed vehicle.

O / all Not applicable Not applicable ‒ MRF (9) ‒ MRF (9)

‒ Additional ‒ Additional information* information*

  • (1) 
    Article 3(29) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400.
  • (2) 
    Article 3(31) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

1 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/683 of 15 April 2020 implementing Regulation (EU)

2018/858 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regards to the administrative requirements for the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, OJ L 163 of 26.5.2020, p.1.

2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1362 of 1 August 2022 implementing Regulation (EC)

No 595/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the performance of heavy-duty trailers with regard to their influence on the CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, energy consumption and zero emission

driving range of motor vehicles and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/683 (OJ L 205, 5.8.2022, p.



  • (3) 
    Article 3(4a) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400
  • (4) 
    Article 9(2) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400
  • (5) 
    Point 2.3 of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400
  • (6) 
    Point 2.4 of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400
  • (7) 
    Point 2.7.5 of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2400
  • (8) 
    Article 8(6) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1362
  • (9) 
    Article 8(7) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1362

*Additional Information:

No Monitoring parameter Source Applicable to vehicles

15 Make (trade name of All manufacturer)

24 Name and address of Point 0.4 of the model of a Category N; transmission manufacturer certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only; of Appendix 1 to Annex VI to

Regulation (EU) 2017/2400 25 Make (trade name of Point 0.1 of the model of a Category N;

transmission manufacturer certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only;

of Appendix 1 to Annex VI to Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

32 Name and address of axle Point 0.4 of the model of a Category N; manufacturer certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only; of Appendix 1 to Annex VII to Category O; Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

33 Make (trade name of axle Point 0.1 of the model of a Category N; manufacturer) certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only; of Appendix 1 to Annex VII to Category O; Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

39 Name and address of tyre Point 1 of the model of a Category N; manufacturer certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only; of Appendix 1 to Annex X to Category O; Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

40 Make (trade name of tyre Point 3 of the model of a Category N; manufacturer) certificate of a component, Category M: primary separate technical unit or system vehicle only; of Appendix 1 to Annex X to Category O; Regulation (EU) 2017/2400

72 Number of license to operate All the simulation tool

75 CO2 mass emission of the Point 1.4.2 of the addendum to Category N; engine over WHTC (8) Appendix 5, or point 1.4.2 of the Category M: primary (g/kWh) addendum to Appendix 7, to vehicle only; Annex I to Regulation (EU) No

582/2011, whichever is applicable 76 Fuel consumption of the Point 1.4.2 of the addendum to Category N;

engine over WHTC (g/kWh) Appendix 5, or point 1.4.2 of the Category M: primary addendum to Appendix 7, to vehicle only;

Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 i, whichever is applicable

77 CO2 mass emission of the Point 1.4.1 of the addendum to Category N; engine over WHSC (9) Appendix 5, or point 1.4.1 of the Category M: primary (g/kWh) addendum to Appendix 7, to vehicle only; Annex I to Regulation (EU) No

582/2011, whichever is applicable 78 Fuel consumption of the Point 1.4.1 of the addendum to Category N;

engine over WHSC (g/kWh) Appendix 5, or point 1.4.1 of the Category M: primary addendum to Appendix 7, to vehicle only;

Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 i, whichever is applicable

101 For vehicles with a date of Point 1.2.1. of addendum to Category N; simulation as of 1 July 2020, Appendix 5, 6 or 7 to Annex I to Category M: primary the type-approval number of Regulation (EU) No 582/ 2011, vehicle only; the engine whichever is applicable

102 For vehicles with a date of File generated by the simulation ‘sum exec data file’ simulation as of 1 July tool referred to in Article 5(1)(a)

2021, the comma separated of Regulation (EU) 2017/2400 in values file of the same name its graphical user interface (GUI) as the job file and with an version extension.vsum comprising aggregated results per simulated mission profile and payload condition


For the purpose of making publicly available the CdxA value specified in data entry 23 in accordance with Article 13c, the Commission shall use the ranges defined in the following table containing the corresponding range for each CdxA value:

Range CdxA value [m2]

Min CdxA Max CdxA (CdxA ≥ (CdxA < min CdxA) MaxCdxA)

A1 0,00 3,00

A2 3,00 3,15

A3 3,15 3,31

A4 3,31 3,48

A5 3,48 3,65

A6 3,65 3,83

A7 3,83 4,02

A8 4,02 4,22

A9 4,22 4,43

A10 4,43 4,65

A11 4,65 4,88

A12 4,88 5,12

A13 5,12 5,38

A14 5,38 5,65

A15 5,65 5,93

A16 5,93 6,23

A17 6,23 6,54

A18 6,54 6,87

A19 6,87 7,21

A20 7,21 7,57

A21 7,57 7,95

A22 7,95 8,35

A23 8,35 8,77

A24 8,77 9,21


Data reporting and management referred to in Articles 13a to 13c

  • 1. 

1.1. The data specified in Part A of Annex IV shall be transmitted in accordance with Article 13a by the contact point of the competent authority via electronic data transfer to the Agency.

The contact point shall notify the Commission and the Agency when the data are transmitted by email to the following addresses:


  • 2. 

2.1. Manufacturers shall notify the Commission without delay the following information:

(a) the manufacturer name indicated in the certificate of conformity or individual approval certificate; (b) the World Manufacturer Identifier code (WMI code) as defined in Commission Regulation (EU) No 19/2011 i 4 to be used in the vehicle identification numbers of new heavyduty vehicles to be placed on the market; (c) the contact point responsible for uploading the data to the Agency.

They shall notify the Commission without delay of any changes to that information.

The notifications shall be sent to the addresses referred to in point 1.1.

2.2. The data specified in Part B, point 2 of Annex I shall be transmitted in accordance with

Article 13b by the contact point of the manufacturer via electronic data transfer to the Agency.

The contact point shall notify the Commission and the Agency when the data are transmitted by email to the addresses referred to in point 1.1.

  • 3. 

4 Commission Regulation (EU) No 19/2011 i of 11 January 2011 concerning typeapproval requirements for the manufacturer’s statutory plate and for the vehicle identification number of motor vehicles and their trailers and implementing Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 i of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning type-approval requirements for the general safety of motor vehicles, their trailers and systems, components and separate technical units intended therefor (OJ L 8, 12.1.2011, p. 1).

3.1. The Agency shall process the data transmitted in accordance with points 1.1 and 2.2 and shall record the processed data in the register.

3.2. The data relating to heavy-duty vehicles registered in the preceding reporting period and recorded in the register shall be made public by 30 April each year, with the exception of the following data entries:

3.2.1. vehicle identification number; 3.2.2. name and address of the transmission manufacturer; 3.2.3. make (trade name of transmission manufacturer; 3.2.4. name and address of axle manufacturer; 3.2.5. make (trade name of axle manufacturer; 3.2.6. name and address of tyre manufacturer; 3.2.7. make (trade name of tyre manufacturer; 3.2.8. engine model; 3.2.9. transmission model; 3.2.10. retarder model; 3.2.11. torque converter model; 3.2.12. angle drive model; 3.2.13. axel model; 3.2.14. air drag model; 3.2.15 comma separated values file of the same name as the job file and with an extension.vsum comprising aggregated results per simulated mission profile and payload condition.

3.3. Where a competent authority or manufacturers identify errors in the data submitted, they shall without delay notify those to the Commission and the Agency by submitting an error

notification report to the Agency and by email sent to the addresses referred to in point 1.1.

3.4. The Commission shall with the support of the Agency verify the notified errors and, where appropriate, correct the data in the register.

3.5. The Commission, with the support of the Agency, shall make available electronic formats for the data transmissions referred to in points 1.1 and 2.2 in due time before the transmission




Regulation (EU) 2018/956

Regulation (EU) 2018/956 This Regulation Article 1 Article 1(2) Article 2 Article 2 Article 3 Article 3 Article 4 Article 13a Article 5 Article 13b Article 6 Article 13c Article 7 Article 13d Article 8 Article 13e Article 9 Article 13f Article 10 - Article 11 Article 14 Article 12 Article 16 Article 13 Article 17 Article 14 -

Annex I Annex IV Annex II Annex V’


Referenced document

17 Feb
ANNEXES to the proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956



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